LXXII. New rules.... Terrible outcome

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LXXII. New rules.... Terrible outcome

The next day, Annie walks alone down a stone hallway carrying a load of schoolbooks, stopping in her tracks when she sees a fuming Angelina running towards her seemingly agitated.

Angeline: [Stopping in front of her] Annie you won't believe.... That Umbridge woman... this is too much!

Annie: [Frowning] What has she done now?

Slughorn chucked as his eyes drifted to Annie "Usually it's the other way around" he began "The teacher complaining about students, I mean" he clarified

"Annie and her friends are special, professor Slughorn" nodded Barty confidently

Angelina: Follow me

Annie and Angelina approach a giant billboard in the middle of the hallway near the great hall entrance, surrounded by murmuring students. The two girls push through them forcefully. Annie stares at the large parchment, Angelina looks furious by just looking at it again

"Woah.... What's that?" asked a curious James

Annie: [She frowns but decides to read it anyway] "By order of Hogwarts High Inquisitor: All student organizations, societies, teams, groups and clubs are hence fore disbanded. Permission to reform must be approved by High Inquisitor Umbridge. No student organization can exist without the knowledge or approval of the high inquisitor. Any student found to be a part of an illegal organization will be expelled immediately"

Everyone was left speechless after that announcement, the teachers included

"What?" the students gasped in shock

"She can't do that now can she?" asked a horrified Rabastan "Professor?" eyes boring to professor McGonagall

"By right of her position I believe she can... but even then.... This is too far gone" she concluded

Molly was furious by this "The professors can't let her do just as she pleases" she argues

"They have no choice in the matter, their hands are tied"

"But when she says all clubs and organizations, she surely can't include Quidditch?" Sirius asked, he dreaded the answer, they can't do that.

Marlene nodded, sympathy shining in her eyes "Quidditch included"

All the players gasped in shock at that, the teams are disbanded? Until she decides they're worth reforming? This was an outrage

"Guys think this over again..." Lily began "Now if all organizations are disbanded" she nodded to the screen "What happens to the DA?" she asked

"Umbridge would never let them reform it" scoffed Evan

"That's for damn sure"

"Let's just watch, we'll find out" Lucius growled in annoyance

Angelina: [Voice aggravated] She refused us to reform the Gryffindor team, we had to see Dumbledore to get her to allow it

"She refused to reform the team?" James gasped in shock "But why?"

"Probably because Annie's on it" shrugged George, still bitter about his last year at Hogwarts. "She's a real piece of work that woman" he groaned

"Nicely said" Annie chuckled high fiving him

Annie: [Shocked by the news] What? [She was growing extremely angry at this woman] But not only that! What about the DA?

Inside the Gryffindor Annie paces around on edge and frustrated by the news she had learned earlier, Hermione and Ron watching her as they sat on the chairs near the fire

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