CII. The talk with Remus

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CII. The talk with Remus

As Molly serves dinner, the twins keep teasing Ron about his new 'girlfriend' while Ginny chimes in a few times. Annie wanted a break from the Lavender talk so instead she turns to Remus. He looked deathly pale, ill. He looked rather haggard.

Annie: So what have you been up to?

Remus: [Smiling weakly] Nothing really, laying low. [Off Annie's confused look] I'm staying with 'my people'

Annie: [Eyes widening] Really? You mean with other werewolves?

"I don't know if I should be excited or worried, Moony" sighed Sirius, off the look on his friend's look he adds "I mean staying with other werewolves, that's got to be some party alright" he finished

"I suppose" nodded Remus "I wouldn't know"

Marlene tilted her head to the side "I didn't know werewolves stayed in packs" she commented

"Not all of them" argued Remus "Some of them choose to stay away from other wolves, it's a personal choice"

Remus: [Nodding] Yes. Well Dumbledore needed a spy. It's like I was born for the job. [The sarcasm was evident in his tone] He thinks I can convince a few to side with us. Not much I can do with Greyback leading most of them

Annie: Greyback? I've seen posters of him, is he another deatheater?

Remus: I wouldn't say so. Fenrir Greyback is the most savage werewolf of our time. He sides with you-know-who.

Annie: This is what I don't understand why creatures want to side with him. Why would a werewolf want to side with Voldemort

"Not all creatures sides with him" argued Amelia "We've had allies from different species, they're afraid of him as much as other wizards and witches are, and they want him gone" she added with a shake of her head

"While that might be true, the kid's not wrong" argued Moody "Many creatures do take hi side and the reason as to why is very evident"

"Which is?" asked Hagrid

"Their rights, we've treated creatures as if they were below us for a long time, it needs to stop, if we really want allies" answered Bagnold "Hard to achieve when most of them can't even stand us"

Remus: Because he promises them things that the ministry of magic would not. He gives them a false vision of freedom of sort. The ministry of magic had restricted lots of territories and rights for magical creatures it only make sense they'd seek it elsewhere.

Annie: And the werewolves listen to Greyback, why exactly?

Remus: [Looking grim] He turned lots of them, practically even raised them. He likes to bite them as children take them away and raise them to hate wizards and witches. [He sighs before adding] He's the one who bit me, actually

Annie: [Eyes widening in shock, she didn't know this] When you were a kid?

Regulus was not aware that Remus was turned when he was just a little kid that must've been quite traumatizing. If not for these movies he wouldn't even know Remus was a werewolf much when he was turned. The guy had it rough.

Wizards and witches viewed werewolves as half breeds, not worthy enough to live and e treated like normal people which led the wolves to hate humans, or so Regulus was taught. But in pureblood family you are taught as a child to completely steer away from their kind.

Sirius didn't stay away, Nymphadora Tonks, his second cousin didn't. Will he ever manage to break free of his family's claws? Or will he forever be on the family tapestry. As odd as it might sound, Regulus wanted to be burned off that tapestry.

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