XX. Tom Riddle's diary

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XX. Tom Riddle's diary

Staggering into the hospital wing under the weight of the library books in their arms, Annie and Ron make their way to Hermione's bed, which is covered in... BOOKS.

Hermione: Oh, good. Put those anywhere. [They look. trying to find a place There is no place anywhere. So they just... drop them].

Ron: Madam Pince asked that we relay a message to you, Hermione: She'd appreciate it if you'd leave a few books for the rest of the school.

The hall snicker again

"That was a good one" Rodolphus laughs

Hermione: I've got to keep up, haven't I? [ Just then, Hermione's tail twitches into view].

Ron: Is that thing ever going away?

Hermione: Any day now, according to Madam Pomfrey. I'm just thankful I've stopped coughing up fur balls.

Ron: We all are, believe me.

Hermione: Now. What about the Chamber of Secrets? Any new leads?

Annie: Nothing.

Hermione: And has it gotten any better? I mean... is anyone speaking to you?

Annie: Neville asked to borrow a tubeworm in Potions yesterday. I suppose that's something.

Ron: [takes a GET-WELL CARD from under Hermione's pillow] 'To Miss Granger. Wishing you a speedy recovery, from your concerned teacher Gilderoy Lockhart.' You sleep with this under your pillow?

Hermione: Of course not. I don't know how that got there. Now go. I still have six hundred pages to read in Transformation Through the Ages.

In the second floor corridor Annie and Ron mount the stairs then Ron stops

Ron: I know Hermione's mental, but can you believe she falls for that smarmy nonsense of Lockhart's?

They stop. Look down. A great flood of water streams from the Girls' Bathroom. From within, MYRTLE can be heard MOANING.

Annie: Looks like Moaning Myrtle's flooded the bathroom.[Annie and Ron enter Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. She's sitting in a window and whimpering.]

"Her voice is unbelievably annoying I'll tell you that!" Marlene groans as she hears Myrtle moaning

"How come we never knew she even exists?" asked Regulus

"Because she's always sulking and whining in the girl's bathroom, that why no one actually goes there!" Explained Alice

"I bet I can make her moan in a better way!" Jokes Barty

"She's a ghost idiot she's can't feel anything!" Alice retorted with an eye roll

"How about you sweetheart will you mon for me?" he teases making her go red from embarrassment

"Leave her alone!" defends Frank

"I'm just kidding mate, she's all yours!" he laughed while Evan just shook his head amused by his friends' antics

Myrtle: Come to throw something else at me?

Annie: Why would I throw something at you?

Myrtle: Don't ask me. Here I am, minding my own business, when someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me.

Ron: But it can't hurt if someone throws something at you. I mean, it'd just go right through you.

"You're done for mate!" Marlene chuckles

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