LXIV. Dementors

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LXIV. Dementors

As Annie comes back to the great hall and quickly joining her friends and family smiling at the sight of Draco rolling his eyes annoyed at her father's jabs and attempts to tell him off back to his family.

The moment Lily and Euphemia saw her they quick on their feet pulling her into their loving arms with bone crushing hugs

"Annie baby, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I'm sorry baby" Lily cried

"It's fine mom, I'm used to it"

"You shouldn't" Euphemia shook her head "You never should have gone through all of that, and that poor boy"

"Yeah, I know, but that why we're her, we'll change all of that, we'll stop it" her tone was hopeful, but it was very clear who she was really trying to convince.

"What was all that about?" Hermione asked with narrowed eyes

"What"? she might have squeaked a little too loud for her liking, glancing around then shaking her head "Nothing, he just wanted apologize and I told him that I had no grudge so that's that, we're starting the fifth?"

"Yeah? We were waiting for you three to get back, he sure took his sweet time with this apology" George chuckled while Ron only rolled his eyes

"You're a terrible liar love!" Draco whispered in her ear "What scheme were you plotting out there? I can't take my eyes off of you can I?"

"Hey" she shoved him feeling insulted "I don't ploy schemes, when did I ever do that?"

Draco raised an eyebrow in amusement "Love you and your friends that all you do" he chuckled making her grumble


"Alright everyone movie 5 starts now" with that Hermione turned off the lights as the movie faded into the screen.

At sunset, drifting through the clouds, approaching Number Four, Privet Drive, sailing through the roof into the street then drifting down into an abounded playground. A lone figure sits on the only broken swing... It's Annie Potter. Pushing herself slowly on the swing she seems in deep thoughts; had she been watching more carefully she'd have seen the old Mrs. Figg watching her from her front porch. The old woman adjusts her porch chair to watch Annie better.

"Well that's not creepy at all" Bella raises an eyebrow

"Sorta why I had old people" chuckled Rodolphus "They're creepy that way"

The sound of harsh laughter reaches Annie's ear, she looks up and sees Dudley and his gang of followers walking down the street telling crude jokes and laughing. Seeing Annie they grin to each other and walk over to her.

Dudley: [Sneering] Oh it's just you

Thug 1: What should we do with her big D?

Annie: [Not even trying to stifle her laugh] Big D? Cool name, but to me you'll always be Ikkle Dudicums

Laughs echoed in the hall, that was a good one

"Blimey Annie that was a good one" laughed Sirius

"Yeah I knew you inherited my genes too, go for it" Cheered James making Lily and Remus roll their eyes

Dudley: [Glaring at his chuckling friends] Shut up! [One of the thugs made a step forward as if to punch her but one icy glare from her had him cowering back] Oh! Tough girl, but no so tough in your bed are you?

Annie: [Face faltering, edged] What?

Mrs. Figg: [No one notices as she stands up and get closer to the porch] You boys go home now, or I will be calling your parents! [The threat made the thugs edge away from Annie but Dudley didn't]

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