CVI. Birthday gift

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CVI. Birthday gift

During Potion class, Annie nervously kept stealing glances at Slughorn who was checking the student's potions, Hermione taps the white haired witch on the arm warningly. Obviously Annie had told both Ron and Hermione of the mission she was given by Dumbledore. Separately of course, but both were helping her find a way to talk to Slughorn.

Hermione: Make it obvious, why don't you!

Annie: I'm just thinking about what I should do

Hermione: Look, we can worry about that later, staring at him through the entire class, won't help you in any way, let's just finish this.

Annie: [Nodding] You're probably right.

As the class finished, everyone packed away their stuff and started piling out of the classroom, Ron practically sprinted away. Annie gave a small nod to Hermione as she dawdled behind, waiting for everyone else to leave so she could talk to the round professor. Slughorn turns and finds Annie standing there, he smiles saying

Slughorn: Annie! Ah! If it isn't the master of potions herself! How can I help you Annie?

Annie: [Smiling feebly] Well, sir, I wondered if I might ask you something.

Slughorn: [Nodding brightly] Ask away, my dear girl, ask away!

It was obvious than in Slughorn's eyes Annie could do no wrong, and whatever she asked he was more than happy to answer, little did the professor knew she was about to bring back some painful bad memories.

"Nothing could prepare him for what's to come" commented Hermione only for Annie and Ron to hear, the three of them knew what was to come

Ron nodded in agreement "Poor ol' Sluggy" she grinned, he wasn't really a big fan of the man, so he couldn't care less "I'm sure it was heartbreaking" he laughed again

"You're insensible" sighed Hermione not at all surprised by his behavior. Annie on the other hand was quiet, knowing what's to come.

Annie: [Frowning, hating herself for doing this] Well, you see, the other day I was in the Restricted Section... in the library... and I stumbled upon something rather odd while reading. Something about a bit of rare magic...

Slughorn: [Nodding nervously] Yes? And exactly what was this rare magic.

Annie: I'm not sure... That is, I don't recall the name... exactly. But it got me wondering... Are there some kinds of magic you're not allowed to teach?

Slughorn: [Eyes widening, as he looks at Annie fearfully] I'm a Potions Professor, Annie. Perhaps your question would best be posed to Professor Snape.

This is the part the white haired witch hated, where her friends and family see how much of a bad person she really was, the fact she was not the person they thought she was. It's not that she wanted to fool them, she was just terrified that her family would stop loving her for all the bad things she did. And that her friends would abandon her and leave her behind. She would never admit out loud but deep down she knew she needed help, she was breaking down, it was a slow process, and it only got worse after the war, especially after the war. Her life wasn't easy, she had it rough.

And it shows, she was truly afraid of people abandoning her, especially those she loved, her boggart would be left behind, lonely. She was afraid of loneliness. Terrified of it even, which is why she doesn't want her parents and family to see every bad thing she ever did. She was already picturing them leaving her behind.

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