LXIX. Ordering Dungbombs

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LXIX. Ordering Dungbombs

In the great hall, Annie sits in the Gryffindor, Annie sits bent over a parchment, her quill scratching away, she looks up finished just as Ron and Hermione joins her. The latter stares at the high table looking around for Hagrid

Hermione: Hagrid is still not back yet, I hope he's alright

"Where is Hagrid? Where did he go?" asked an intrigued James

All eyes snapped to Hagrid who sheepishly smiled at the students mainly the first years

"Probably off finding another dragon eh Hagrid" laughed Sirius

Annie: I've asked Sirius about it... [She indicates to the parchment, Hermione pulls it closer looking startled]

Hermione: Annie, you can't write to him, owls are being intercepted, it isn't safe

Annie: Don't worry Hermione, I wrote it in a code. Anyway, I figured I need to tell someone about Umbridge, my scar hurt again last night in detention

"Hey no fair, you have a code with her?" James accused an ecstatic Sirius "We don't have that, let's make one" he beamed

"Yes, we shall" Sirius nodded

"You guys are idiots"

Ron: [Nodding] Always knew she was a bit fishy

Hermione: You think she's working for you-know-who?

Annie: Well, it's a possibility isn't it?

Hermione: [Dubious about it] I suppose so. He could have her under the Imperious curse, though it's unlikely, Dumbledore'd know

Annie: [Leaning closer] Yeah but Dumbledore, didn't have a choice didn't he? She'd been sent here by the ministry

"It could be true, I don't think she's got enough spine to work willingly for him" Barty laughed

"She's too pink" Rabastan nodded in agreement

"Turns out she's just a mean old woman with no purpose in life and an unhealthy obsession with Fudge" grinned George

"Really? The old wanker?" Frowned Gideon

"I guess they do suit each other" Fabian shrugged

Ron: [Watching as Hermione unfurls a copy of the daily prophet] Anything about Annie?

Hermione: [Shaking her head] No, nothing [Reading further into the article] But Wait! Look at this! [She slaps the paper on the table so Ron and Annie could read as well] Trespass at the ministry. Sturgis Podmore has appeared in front of the Wizengamot with charges of trespass and attempted robbery at the ministry of magic at the 31st of august. He was arrested when he was found attempting to break into a high security door at one in the morning. Podmore was convicted and sentenced to six months in Azkaban

"Oh no, not again, could they for once leave this stuff for the Aurors?" Molly sighed knowing they'd try and get themselves involved somehow

"You know they can't, these kids really need to stop poking their noses where they shouldn't" Ted commented

"They're too damn curious" groaned Fleamont "With wide imagination at that" he huffed

The trio exchanged amused glances knowing that they were right, they were too curious for their own good, but it's what got them through troubles, so they're thankful for it.

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