CXII. Horcruxes

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CXII. Horcruxes

The furious, enraged, white haired girl clutches the vial in her hand and marches to Dumbledore's office, her heart heavy with betrayal, with sorrow, with unbridled rage... He was going to pay for what he's done, Snape was going to pay. Her face was blank, no emotion could be seen on it, as she approached Dumbledore's office. She was not going to tell him what she just learned, she was going to do it alone.

Angrily storming to his office, not even bothering to knock, she simply barges in, to say the old man was surprised would be an understatement, never had Annie barged into his office this way or act this impulsively, with the exception of that night where Sirius died.

Theo smirked as he watched Annie barge into Dumbledore's office, nothing on her face, but he could easily tell she was boiling on the inside, picturing himself in her shoes, he knew he would be "I just know she's going to rage a storm at him" he commented

"I wouldn't be too sure..." argued Blaise "I think she wanted to deal with it herself" he added

"What the hell do you mean deal with it herself?" asked a confused Theo "What can she possibly do by herself against Snape?" the dark-haired man turns to Annie "Tell us... Did you trash his office again?"

Annie feeling multiple eyes on her, only smirks as she answers "You're going to have to wait and see" adding a little wink as the end

"You're no fun" grumbled Ginny

Dumbledore: [Surprise written all over his face] Annie?

Annie: [Pulling out the vial where Slughorn's memory floats, her face blank and unreadable] I got it

Dumbledore: [Standing up in shock, he couldn't believe it] You got it? That's professor-

Annie: [Interrupting him angrily] Yes, can we hurry up!

Barty snorted as he watched Annie snap at Dumbledore "It will always be my favourite thing" he sighed, stretching his arms behind his head. Evan turned, eyes greedily following the motion, watching Barty's arm muscle flex, then he followed it right to the side where his dress shirt had risen a bit. Swallowing hard he tore his gaze away, from the tattooed flesh he spotted then connect with dark blue eyes

"What is?" asked Evan, voice hoarse

"Watching Dumbledore get bossed around by a 16-year-old girl" answered the male without breaking eye contact, his lips tugged up in a smirk indicating that he had caught Evan checking him out, and he greedily rejoiced at the attention.

Rabastan snorted from their side, voice low as he commented "Get a room you two, you can smell the sexual tension in the air" he grumbled "I have to deal with Rod and Bella on the daily, not you too, knock it off"

Evan grinned then turned to the screen, he was grateful Rabastan was keeping his mouth shut, that he was decent enough to respect their choice at keeping whatever was going on between him and Barty between them.

Dumbledore watches Annie silently, something was off about her, her face was empty, no emotion whatsoever, he expected her to at least be somewhat proud of her accomplishment, yet there was nothing, she gave nothing away. Annie, the girl who usually carries her heart on her sleeve, is here looking like this. Something was odd, but he didn't want to trigger her. He slowly nods and makes his way to the pensive, Annie follows after him, she doesn't wait for his invitation, she pulls the cap off and empties the memory inside, one last glance at her professor, she braces herself and plunges her head inside.

Annie again finds herself inside Slughorn's office, where a much younger Slughorn sits in his comfortable winged armchair, wine in hand, surrounded by teenage boys, and among them is Tom Riddle, ring gleaming in his hand

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