L. The four champions

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L. The four champions

Annie sits with Ron, Hermione in the great hall, as students chat among themselves while the goblet of blue like flame flickers eerily at the top of the hall group of underclassmen stand by as their older classmates submit their names into the goblet. Hermione clutches a copy of Triwizard Tragedies as she read from it, unknowingly adding to Annie's worries, who watched as Cedric came running into the hall.

Hermione: People have gotten splinched in this Tournament! More than once!

Dean: Splinched?

"What does that even mean?"

"I dunno, let ask Hermione"

"Like I said before thank Merlin of the 17 year old rule"

Seamus: Dunno. But it doesn't sound good.

Cedric walks to the goblet his eyes focused on the silver haired girl while his friends push him forward, he smiles when she returns his eye contact, he nods

Cedric: Annie [He drops his name, and Annie's smile slightly falls, Ron raises his hand in greeting but Cedric is already dashing back into his friends]

"Rude" Ginny commented

Ron: [Frowning] Eternal glory. Be brilliant wouldn't it, three years from now, when we're old enough to be chosen?

"Don't even think about it Ronald Weasley you will not be stepping in that tournament even if you're 50" Molly snapped

"Yeah after what happened? Not ever" he dryly chuckled confusing those who heard him

Annie: Better you than me

Annie grins and Ron nods knowingly. George come striding forth, looking very pleased indeed. The cheers broke in the hall, as the students clapped including Ron and Annie while Hermione rolls her eyes

Fred: Well, we've done it, lads.

George: Cooked it up just this morning. [Fred and George hold up twin vials]

"Oh they're definitely up to something" laughed Barty

"I love those twins Molly" Evan yelled while Gideon and Fabian shared a knowing look and turned to Evan ready to tease

"Well, Evan dearest if you had told us we'd give you a chance you know" Gideon laughed

"You don't have to use our nephews to move on" Fabian nodded whereas Evan blushed crimson at his suggestive comment, Barty just frowned confused but chuckled nevertheless

"Idiot" Molly rolled her eyes

Hermione: [In a teasing sing-song voice] It's not going to work... [Everyone turns. Hermione just flips a page in her book, George and Fred smirked at each other and took a seat on each side of her]

George: Yeah? And why's that, Granger?

Hermione: You see that there? It's an age circle, Dumbledore drew it himself

George: So?

Hermione: [Rolling her eyes at their stupid ideas] So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dim-witted as an Ageing Potion.

Fred: That's what makes it so brilliant. It's pathetically dim-witted. Wouldn't you say Annie? [He smirked at her while she only shook her head fondly]

Annie: It's brilliant

Hermione: Go on, then.

George: [Standing up with his twin] Ready, Fred.

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