XVI. Chilling Voice

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XVI. Chilling Voice

Later that evening, Annie is doing her detention with Lockhart.

"Of all people she can do her detention with it had to be him?" Lily grunts, other students looked appalled, they'd rather go to the forest than spend time with Lockhart

Lockhart: Annie, Annie, Annie. Can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention than by helping me to answer my fan mail?

Annie: Not really.

Cue to the laughter

Lockhart: Fame is a fickle friend, Annie. Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that.

As Lockhart picks up another fan letter, Annie begins to hear an ominous, inhuman voice.

Ominous Voice: Come... [Annie looks up] come... come to me... come to me...

"What the bloody hell was that?"

"Please don't tell me she's going to follow it"

Annie: What?

Lockhart: [looking up] Sorry? [ he glances at Annie]

Annie: That voice.

Lockhart: Voice?

Annie: Did you hear it?

Lockhart: What are you talking about, Annie? I think you're getting a bit... uh, drowsy. And great scot! No wonder. Look at the time, we've been here nearly four hours. Spooky how the time flies when one's having fun. [chuckles]

Annie: [glances up, still thinking about the creepy voice she just heard] Spooky.

Annie is walking into the corridor when she suddenly hears the ominous voice again

Ominous Voice: Blood. I smell blood. Let me rip you... Let me kill you. Kill... kill... kill!

"Not scary at all!"

"How does she not freak out when she hears that?" Regulus asks no one in particular

Hermione: [she and Ron just appear out of nowhere] Annie...

Annie: Did you hear it?

Ron: [concerned and confused] Hear what?

Annie: That voice.

Hermione: [getting concerned as well] Voice? What voice?

Annie: I heard it first in Lockhart's office, and then, again, just-- [he hears the voice once more]

Ominous Voice: It's time.

Annie: [getting tense] It's moving. I think it's going to kill.

"And there they go again, getting involved!" sighs Barty frustrated even if he won't admit it quite worried

"Just let it go and forget about it!"

Ron: [as Annie runs past them down the corridor] "Kill"?

Hermione: [she and Ron run after her] Annie, wait! Not so fast!

"Why are they following it? Is there a thrill I missed?" Asked a confused Sirius

"Don't follow the voice you stupid kids!"

Annie stops in the middle of the corridor, then looks down to see the floor is wet before walking to the right. Ron and Hermione run to catch up with her; they stop abruptly as they see numerous spiders scurrying away through a crack in the window.

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