XCI. Our last night

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XCI. Our last night

Dumbledore extends his arm. Mystified and confused, Annie reaches out, just as her finger touch the silk of Dumbledore's cloak, they both apparate. Annie appears a second later, stumbling down to her knees into a large field.

Annie: [Swallowing down the bile in her throat, and looking around] Sir?

But just as she suspected Dumbledore is gone. She rises up, dusts her jeans and glances about. In the distance appears a crooked house. A smile making its way into her lips recognizing the familiar and odd house

The Burrow.

"Eh... no surprises there. Of course he's gone" chuckled James

"That's our house Arthur" grinned Molly "Our house"

"I know dear, I'm really glad we stayed and never moved out" her husband murmured into her ear

"I love that house, I don't think I'll ever want to move out of it"

Inside the house Ginny dashes down a vertiginous staircase, she runs into the kitchen and finds a large trunk and an owl cage. Curious, she cocks her head to one side. The white owl does the same in return.

Annie cocked her head to the side too, a small smile as she watched her bird, she missed Hedwig, the owl had been a friend of hers ever since she set foot in Hogwarts. Another friend she had lost

Another death, that burdens her

Ginny: [Recognizing it as she mumbles quietly and confused] Hedwig...? Mum!

She shouts as she looks up; a dizzying perspective of twisting railings and crooked bedroom doors. A clock hangs just there, bearing nine hands, each inscribed with a Weasley name, each pointing to mortal peril. Molly Weasley appears at the top of the staircase and peers down

Molly: What is it, Ginny? [Her voice growing more worried and urgent] Is it your father? Has something happened at the Ministry? Has he been kidnapped? Is it the Death Eaters?

Arthur inched away from his wide to give her confused look "It's seriously concerning that, that was the first thing that came to your mind, when our daughter called you"

"Concerning yes, but also understandable" nodded Euphemia "You were sent to the hospital in the previous year, and she was informed at night" she explained off the ginger man's confused expression

"I agree" nodded Narcissa "Although you do have a wild imagination, Molly"

"Gets creative I suppose, after war"

Fabian was the first the snort at her comment "Glad to see you still have Prewett wit in you Molly"

Ginny: [Sarcasm dripping every word] Exactly. How'd you guess? [Molly freezes in shock a horrified expression on her face, she throws her hands up to cover it and Ginny sighs before explaining] I'm joking, Mum.

Molly: [Narrowing her eyes at her daughter] You're worse than Fred and George.

Ginny: [Rolling her eyes] Now you're joking. I was only wondering when Annie got here.

Molly: Annie who?

"How many Annie's do you know?" fired a confused Ron

Moly frowned "Well there was this girl who-"

"I meant how many Annie's come to our house during the summer?"

"It was a pretty dumb question"

Ginny: [Sighing exasperatedly] Annie Who? Annie Potter, of course.

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