LVI. Both?

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LVI. Both?

Annie: [Wide eyes rushes to Fred and grabs his hands as he was about to storm to Cedric] Freddie it's fine I'm okay

Fred: [Cradling her face and scanning her from head to toe making sure she was truly alright, he knew she was] Good

Annie: [Blushing at how incredibly close he was to her and she feels something tugging at her heart by the concern and pure worry written on his face] We were.... Talking

Fred: Give me a break with the block [Cedric decide not to comment as he just watched the exchange] Look, I- I.... We've known each other for 4 years now.... My point is.... I've been watching ever since we met on in king cross station that day.... Wait no that came out wrong... what I mean is that I... I'm not that block I'm not good with words, joking is my only forte and the point is....

Annie: [Smiling] Freddie.... Breathe

Fred: Can I kiss you?

But it wasn't a really a question, but his lips were already on hers, stealing her breath, she kissed back the moment she realized what had happened, eyes closed and completely engrossed in the kiss, she felt her toes curl and chest tighten

Annie: [Gasping for air as they pulled away from each other, eyes wide and heart beating ten times faster than usual, she breathed out her question] Why?

Pulling in her for another kiss again, she barely had the time to recover from the first one and here comes a second one crashing in. More intense, more breathtaking, more connecting, as their bodies pressed together.

Fred: To breathe....

Cedric who'd been watching this silently, was surprised to find out he wasn't as jealous as he thought he'd be, but rather intrigued on what would happen next. He raised an eyebrow, for someone who claims is bad with words sure knew a way to make a girl swoon.

The girls were practically foaming at the mouth at this point, how can these two boys be this charming, they have never seen anyone like them

"What in Merlin's beard was that?"

"did he just say-"

"Blimey I'm literally out of words" Marlene gasped

"And that's saying something" chuckled a boy a few seats over

"What the bloody hell just happened? I'm not even there I'm blushing like crazy and butterflies are swimming in my stomach"

"That was good Fred, that was good" George nodded

"He was hiding tricks up his sleeve" Fabian chuckled

"Okay now seriously what is wrong with these two, they're just too good to be true" Narcissa whined loudly causing Lucius to choke on air and glare the screen with hatred

"To breathe....." mimicked James with a baby voice "What an idiot, who even says that?" he glares at the screen "I want to bleach my eyes, I don't like watching my daughter snogging not in the slightest bit"

"Quiet James it's cute" glared Lily

"I don't want her with boys"

"Then girls?" Dorcas teased

"No them either" Sirius growled some just chuckled at their overprotectiveness while some just sighed

Rabastan turning to tease his brother and friends

"Oi, you four think you can compete with that?" he wiggled his eyebrows

"He's just good with words they both are, what does that change?" sneered Bellatrix

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