XLV. Break

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XLV. Break

As everyone stood up, some chatting with their friends while others just sat patiently waiting for the next movie to start, Annie stood up still laughing with George about a joke, but then her face turned sour once her eyes fell upon the rat who was glaring with ferocious glare, she wanted to talk to him. Alone

As she ignored George and started angrily marching in Pettigrew's direction she was suddenly pulled out of her trance when she almost ran into two men, Cygnus and Orion Black, Sirius' family they were

She looked up to ask if they wanted anything, but found them starring at her, almost as if assessing her somehow trying to read her

"You are a strong witch with a strong dark core it's understandable seeing as you're a Potter, your family line has always produced fine wizards and witches although one must ask how is it that you defeated him on your own?" Cygnus was the first to speak

"Not on my own, I've had loads of help" She shrugged "If-"

"Yes, we can see that, after you have a way of attracting people, sort of charisma, you're very likeable I suppose, but was it enough that none of you let say 'friends' betrayed you?" Orion asked

"It's because they are my friends that they didn't betray me, besides why would they? We all had to fight and risk all we had to finish him off because he was a threat to everything we held dear, no he is still a threat even after his death" she said the last part more quietly

"I see, he is quite a strong wizard a remarkable one if you ask me" Cygnus nodded "He found a way to cheat death and like he said so many time he is quite persuasive" he sighed "But that not why the pure-bloods followed him, most of the pure-bloods followed him because of his goal, rid this world of the rotten muggles, not all of them were bad, the death eaters I mean, joining his side and receiving his mark can make someone go mental, it makes people crazy, delusional, murder obsessed I've seen quite a few times, but now learning that he wasn't so pure himself it made them change their minds despite the threat that lingers not only to them but their families as well, I can see it, they quite admire you really, mostly your courage" He noted

"Yes, but upon realizing that his followers are leaving him, he will retaliate and it will not be pretty! Voldemort had reached a power level not even us pure-blood can fight against, it's a shame, no matter what anyone says, pure-blood does count for less, more and more" Orion finished

"I'm well aware of that, he already has a seer, it's only a matter of time before they notice this regroupement and decides to strike, but I don't plan on doing nothing, I didn't come here to cause more deaths, I already have enough on my shoulder, I'm here to prevent them all together, you don't have to trust me, you just have to understand, I already defeated him once, I'm not saying this out of arrogance, no it's because I know his secret and I know how to destroy him and I hold that as leverage, I can't tell you my plan yet" she looks around then sighs "I can't, I can't risk it, after movies are finishes and I manage to convince everyone here to change sides, it will work I know it" she softly smiled

The two men looked at each other as if unsure, but what choice did they have, they decided to trust the young woman before them who proved herself more than once, rather than follow a wizard whose entire existence is a lie

"Very well!" Cygnus nods

"All our lives are in your hands then" Orion remarked just as she was about to reply an arm was thrown over her shoulder and was pulled back slightly

"Father, uncle what business do you have with my goddaughter?" Sirius asked narrowing his eyes

"We were just finishing up here" Cygnus replied

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