LII. Dragons

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LII. Dragons

Neville: Amazing [Annie, looking a bit glum, walks with Neville, his nose buried in a book] Amazing!

Annie: Neville! You're doing it again.

Neville: Oh. Right. Sorry ...

Annie: [eying Neville's book] Magical water Plants of the Mediterranean?

Neville: Moody gave it to me. You know, that day we had tea. [Annie nods. Then ... laughter sounds from the of the garden. Annie turns , sees Ginny and Hermione walking with a rather sullen-looking Ron. Spying at each other, Ron and Annie regard one another coolly whispers at length to Hermione and exits. Exasperated Hermione approaches her

"Oh, now they're using the nerdy witch to talk, smooth"

"Yeah, real smooth"

"Fantastic even, what are you talking about, it's childish and annoying having to carry other people's messages, ever think about what you lot are doing to the poor owl?" Pandora explained in a dreamy like voice

"Always mental that one ain't she?" chuckled Sirius making Marlene whack him on the head, while Remus gave him a pointed look

Hermione: Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you.

Annie: [Eyes narrowed then aggressively answers] Is that right? Well – what?

"I've never heard that many names in one sentence" pointed Evan

Hermione: Parvati told Dean to tell Ronald [shaking her head] Don't ask me to repeat it. Hagrid's looking for you.

Annie: [Still pissed that he won't talk to her] Well, you can tell Ronald

Hermione: [Having had enough of their childish antics] I'm not an owl.

Hermione turns away, continues on with Ginny.

Neville: Amazing

Alice and Frank share a loving son upon seeing how Neville he was truly Alice's copycat, not only does he look like her but he acts like her as well, not to mention he's a total klutz, but also the way he sticks to his friends no matter what, they loved their son and they'd do anything to help these kids that came from the future just so they could be in his life as he grows up.

Annie and Hagrid are walking through the large plant of the forbidden forest at night, Annie struggling with the plants due to her height.

Annie: Where exactly is it that you're taking me, Hagrid?

Hagrid: Wouldn' be righ' if I tol' yeh tha', now would it, ' nnie. Migh' find yeh sneakin' out here on yer own one nigh'. [Annie keeps trailing Hagrid's broad back as he speaks in the eerie darkness.]

"Not suspicious at all"

"Hagrid you took a student out of the castle at night that's a breach of our most important rules" McGonagall scolded while he tried to avoid her narrowed eyes at all costs

"Someone's in trouble" laughed Barty

Annie: Oh yeah. That could happen... [Just then, up ahead, men's shouts come clear, followed by an ear-splitting-roar. Hagrid glances back, grinning and gestures Annie forward. A clearing comes into view where gangs of wizards surround four giant cages Inside each cage, something huge rages violently, Annie only stare in disbelief

Annie: Hagrid, are those what I think -- [Hagrid nods excitedly]

Annie: But what are they doing here? [blinking at the realization] Hagrid, those aren't -- I mean, one of those isn't for. . . me? [Hagrid grins like a kid. Annie points.]

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