LVII. The second task

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LVII. The second task

Later that night, the dormitory ceiling, undulating with reflected snow, just above Annie's sleeping, her eyelid twitching as her breathing picks up

It was night in Little Hangleton. In the distance a hill appears weeds tossing in a gentle breeze. There is a garden's cottage and, further up, a derelict manor. The raven soars toward the manor, gliding through

A dark window on the second story.... Then down a gloomy passageway . . . into a room of shadows. . . towards the back of a chair ... circling slowly . . .

"This is just spooky"

"Is this another dream?"

Voldemort: You must begin to make preparations, Wormtail. Nagini will need milking. The journey will not be easy...

All eyes snapped to a tied Peter who had smug look on his face almost a proud one

"Peter" breathed a still shocked James, never in million years he would have found out his true nature if it weren't for these movies

There were still few who couldn't believe that the sweet looking boy would turn into that filth

A filthy cloth bundle comes into view. Something twitches within. It wasn't quite human, not at all.

In her dormitory, Annie wakes with a loud gasp, sweat beads rolling down her forehead, hair sticking to her face and neck, chest heaving, eyes wide in panic.

Lavender: Alright Annie? [At her nod she goes back to sleep]

The next day on the wooden bridge, Annie and Hermione walk together, both with frowns on their faces.

Hermione: Annie you told me you'd riddled that egg out weeks ago! The task is in two days from now!

"Well I'm sure she couldn't solve the riddle with her tongue down Cedric and Fred's throats" Evan teased making Annie's cheek redden

"Oh she definitely wasn't focused on the tournament" Rabastan added

"So that's why you didn't figure out the egg, you were playing around and to say I spent endless hours in the library looking for answers" Hermione glared at Annie

"'Mione you never even leave the library" Chuckled Ron

"True" all her friends nodded in agreement.

Annie: [Her voice dripping with sarcasm] Really! I had no idea! [People looked their way, making Annie lower her voice] I suppose Viktor's figured it out.

Hermione: I wouldn't know. We don't talk about the Tournament. Actually, we don't really talk at all. Viktor's more of a physical being. I mean, he's not particularly loquacious. Mostly he watches me study. Bit annoying actually.

"I bet it someone else you want to watch you study, not that block" chuckled Barty

"I don't mind someone like Viktor watching me study" Dorcas noted wiggling her eyebrows

Hermione glances at Annie, studying him, as if debating some troubling notion.

Hermione: Annie. You are trying to riddle out the egg, aren't you?

Annie: What's that supposed to mean?

Hermione: I just mean, these tasks they're designed to test you, Annie in the most brutal way... they're almost cruel and, well, I'm . . . scared for you, Annie. You got by the dragons mostly on nerve. I'm not sure that's going to be enough this time.

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