LI. Rita Skeeter

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LI. Rita Skeeter

FLASH! Smoke trails from a box camera and the quartet of champions blink, a punchy photographer nods listlessly.

Photographer: Thank you.

Rita Skeeter: Well, now aren't we the charismatic quartet [A woman steps through the smoke and into the light and eyes the four champions with an almost feral intensity

"Blimey, it's really her" gagged Marlene in disgust "I hate that bloody woman, she makes my skin crawl"

"You and me both Marls you and me both!" Nodded Sirius

"She's just-" faking a gag sound

"I don't think you'll ever find the right word to describe her"

Rita Skeeter: Hello, everyone. I'm Rita Skeeter I write for the daily Prophet, but you all know that don't you? It's you we don't know [pacing by them, Standing in front of Fleur and slapping her cheek] What quirks lurk beneath the rosy cheeks? What mysteries do the muscles mask? Does courage lie beneath the curls? [She smiles flirtatiously to Cedric] In short: What makes a champion tick? Me, myself and I want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers. So. Who's feeling up to sharing? Hm? [She looks between them all, Annie and Cedric share an uneasy glance and then the four of them all look away trying to avoid her gaze, she smirks as her eyes fall on Annie] Shall we start with the youngest? [Grabbing her arm] Lovely. [Annie gulps as she's pulled away and sent one last pleading look to Cedric]

"Oh, come one, she's totally bullying her here" Marlene scoffed

"Poor thing looked horrofied"

"She likes picking at her victims, that how she is"

Skeeter drags Annie inside a broomcloset, drops him onto a cupboard box and slams the door shut

Rita Skeeter: Ah. This is nice and cozy.

Annie: It's a ... broom cupboard.

Rita Skeeter: You must feel right at home then.

"What did she just tell her?"

"Did she seriously just say that?" Lily gasped shocked

"I can't believe she really said that? What's wrong with this woman?"

"How would she even know that?" Marlene growled

"Marlene you were right when you said she's an absolute wanker"

Rita Skeeter: Don't mind if I use a Quick-Quotes Quill?

Annie watches Skeeter take an acid-green-quill from her purse, suck on the tip, and places it upright on a piece of parchment.

Rita Skeeter: Tell me, Annie. Here you sit a mere girl of twelve . . .

"She's fourteen" Growled an annoyed James

Annie: [Frowning watching the quill] Fourteen.

Rita Skeeter: ... about to compete against three students, not only vastly more emotionally mature than yourself, but have mastered spells you wouldn't attempt in your dizziest daydreams? Concerned?

"Okay she's basically baiting her"

Annie: I... dunno... I haven't really... sorted it all out [Annie glances at the quill racing across the parchment]

Rita Skeeter: Ignore the quill, dear. Of course, you're no ordinary girl of twelve, are you?

Annie: [Annoyed] Fourteen

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