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Inside the dormitories, all the girls were asleep. All except Annie, who lied in bed, studying the photo of her parents, barely visible in the fluttering light of a guttering candle. As the flame dies with a soft hiss, everything goes black

A cautious breeze rises. Leaves scud across the gravel. A windowpane rattles, up high, the corridor thatched in shadow. Slowly... A shadow engulfs Sir Cadogan, dozing against his tree... A whistle shrieks. The Sneakoscope, whirling madly, skitters across the bedside cabinet and -- CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! -- taps against a water glass, sending shafts of red light pin wheeling over the photo of Annie's parents...

Ron: [In shock and fright] Aaaahhhh! [Upon hearing Ron's shriek Annie bolts up runs to the boys' dormitory, sees a silhouette etched on the window --a man clutching a knife. All the boys are up now. Screaming. Amid the chaos, Annie grabs her wand.]

Annie: Everybody out! [Everyone flees the dorms. Annie faces the hulking shadow, wand poised.

"She should go with them what is she doing?"

"It's not time to test yourself, just run for the sake of merlin's name"

"Merlin's beard is she completely mental"

"Her cold blood is going to be the end of her"

"Bloody Gryffindor courage"

Annie: Show yourself. [Crash! The water glass shatters on the floor and Scabbers darts past Annie's bare feet, chased by Crookshanks. Seizing the moment, the silhouette grasps the curtains and swings through the open window, plunging into the night. Annie rushes to the window, looks down. The silhouette leaps from ledge to ledge with an animal's grace, then... vanishes.

Annie: [As she flings open Ron's bed curtains] Ron [But he's not there, she looks around in panic until Ron pokes his head out from under the bed causing her to sigh in relief]

Ron: Is he gone now?

The entire Gryffindor House, in pajamas, stand before McGonagall, who wears a tartan robe and an expression of singular irritation.

McGonagall: That's preposterous, Weasley. How could Sirius Black possibly have got through the portrait hole?

Ron: I don't know how he got in! I was a bit busy dodging his knife!

"Not exactly good time for sarcasm now is it?" snapped Molly equally frightened as he was, many other were as well

Ron: [Just then, a curiously content Crookshanks wends his way through Ron's legs.] And this bloody cat ate my rat!

Hermione: That's a lie!

Ron: It is not and you bloody well know it!

"It's not really god time to be fighting over cat and mouse" Remus sighed then turned to a frowning Peter "No offence Wormtail"

McGonagall: Silence! [She turns around then and everyone follows her eye to Sir Cadogan who, sensing the attention, perks up instantly.] Sir Cadogan. Is it possible that you let a mysterious man enter Gryffindor Tower tonight?

Sir Cadogan: Certainly, good lady! He had the password. Had the whole week's, in fact. On a little piece of paper.

McGonagall: [Irritation clear on her face] Which abysmally foolish person wrote down the passwords and then proceeded to lose them! [Every eye shifts once more: Neville. McGonagall sighs.] Is it always going to be you, Longbottom?

Hogwarts Express: Time Travelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें