XLIII. Saving Sirius

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XLIII. Saving Sirius

Later, on the tops of the trees etched against the darkening sky. Bats flying. Suddenly when Buckbeak snags one a tail twitches briefly between his beak, then -- SLURP! -- is gone.

Hermione: 'Least someone's enjoying himself. [Annie and Hermione sit together in the lengthening shadows. Annie snaps off a piece of chocolate, hands it to Hermione.

Annie: Hermione...

Hermione: Yes?

Annie: Before. Down by the lake. When I was with Sirius... I did see someone... that someone made the Dementors go away...

"She really thinks it was James doesn't she?" Marlene asks a sad looking Lily who grimly nods

Hermione: With a Patronus. I heard Snape telling Dumbledore when we were taken to the hospital. According to him, only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it.

Annie: It was my Dad. [Hermione looks at Annie in sympathy unsure what to say] It was my Dad who conjured the Patronus.

Hermione: But, Annie, your Dad's...

Annie: [Defeated] Dead. I know. I'm just telling you what I saw. [Hermione nods, not wanting to press Annie further, then glances beyond the trees, toward the Whomping Willow]

"She shouldn't get her hope high"

Hermione: Here we come

Shadows emerge under a full moon: Sirius. Annie. Pettigrew. Lupin. Hermione. Ron. Sleepwalking Snape...Annie studies herself and Sirius as they were talking

Annie: You see Sirius talking to me? He's asking me to come live with him.

Hermione: Really? [Annie nods, her voice wistful]

Annie: When we free him, I'll never have to go back to the Dursleys. I'm going to tell him I'd like to live someplace in the country. I think he'd like that, after all those years in Azkaban. We don't need a big place and I can help him...

"She's really excited to move out of those disgusting muggles' house isn't she?"

"Isn't she adorably cute?" Barty squeals again

"That was really nice Padfoot" Remus nods

"What? Of course, that's my goddaughter in there, don't you forget that"

"Goddaughter or not, thank you Sirius" Smiled Lily

A owl pierces the night before Annie could finish what she was saying. Hermione glances toward the Willow.

Hermione: It's happened. Lupin's transformed.

Annie: Which means Pettigrew is slipping safely into the night. While we just stand here...

A fierce growling is heard as twin silhouettes -- the dog and the werewolf -- bound into the tall grass. Annie watches herself appear, hurl the stick as before. The werewolf turns, begins to stalk... OWWWWWWWWW! Annie wheels, sees Hermione, hands cupped to her mouth, making a loud howl. She covers her mouth

"Makes more sense, but that was a stupid thing to do" Orion Black notes with a finger to his chin as if contemplating

Annie: What are you doing?

Hermione: Saving your life. [Annie looks back to the tall grass. The werewolf is frozen. As before, it begins to approach Annie again. OWWWWWWWW! This time, Annie doesn't stop her]

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