XXXI. He's been sighted

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XXXI. He's been sighted

As Lavender and Parvati huddle over a dozen teacups, avidly interpreting patterns in hushed voices, Draco, arm bound in a sling, holds court before a clot of Slytherines.

Pansy: Does it hurt terribly, Dracy?

Draco: [Theatrically and dramatically] It comes and goes. Still... I consider myself lucky. According to Madam Pomfrey, another minute or two... and I could've lost the arm.

"I doubt I'd ever say such a thing" Madam Pomfrey grumbles annoyed

"Why is he making such big deal out of it he's the one who stormed the beast" Regulus rolled his eyes

"Shut up Reggie!" Narcissa scolded him, even if she knew he was right she couldn't bear anyone making fun of her sun

"Like I said you entertained her!" Laughed Ron as if saying 'I told you so'

"Shut up!"

Ron: [While he, Annie and Hermione watch from the Gryffindor table] The little git. He's really laying it on thick, isn't he?

Annie: At least Hagrid didn't get sacked.

Hermione: Yes. But I hear Draco's father's furious. I don't think we've heard the end of this... [While she nodded then glanced back behind her and her eyes widened] Annie don't turn but Cedric Diggory is coming this way

"Diggory?" Amos Diggory perked up at the mention of his name "As in my son?" he asked excitedly while the golden trio nodded at him making his eyes widen in shock "Yes, I have a son everyone, I have a son!" he excitedly shouted making his friends chuckle

Everyone was happy for him, Amos Diggory was Hogwarts's most popular heartthrob, perhaps after Sirius Black

Ron/ Annie: Who?

Hermione: Everyone knows he's had his eyes on you since we were first years

"What?" James shouted in shock "Diggory you better keep your son away from my daughter, I won't forgive him even if he's your son!"

"Yeah tell him James"

Ron/ Annie: [Glancing at each other in clear confusion] Again who?

But before Hermione could even answer another person took place next to Annie, making her glance at said boy, tall, tan, sharp jaw, defined cheekbones, pretty eyes, smooth sandy hair and mouthwatering smile. Cedric was fifth year and known as the heartthrob of Hogwarts, he was extremely popular and loved around in school. The moment he sat next to Annie all attention was on them watching them and waiting for what would happen.

At the sight of the said boy the girls cheered in excitement

"Damn, now that one fine lad!" Marlene whistled making the males roll their eyes and glare at the father who was nothing less than proud

"I don't blame Annie if she falls for his charms" Lily squealed excited

"Diggory!" Draco glared in a deep voice but no one seemed to give him a mind as the girls kept fawning over him

"I want one of those!" Dorcas grumbled

Barty and Evan glanced at each other and whistled "Man we have to step up our game, we're playing against that!" Barty whined

"We'll win, we always do mate!" Evan confidently stated

"Idiots!" Regulus muttered rolling his eyes

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