XCII. Draco

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XCII. Draco

The screen fades from Fred and Georg's apartment as the Hogwarts Express soars through the fields of Scotland.

Luna: [Walking past multiple compartment, clutching a stack of magazines against her chest] Quibbler...? Quibbler...?

The platinum blonde girl earns many confused looks as she passes the compartments wearing a pair of red and blue cardboard glasses, known as Spectrespecs, identical to the ones modeled by a witch on the cover of the current issue of the Quibbler.

A Ravenclaw girl grinned at the sight of Luna and the many looks she received "Luna Lovegood you most certainly are my favorite girl. I adore you and your personality"

Pandora smiled agreeing with her "I most certainly agree, my sweet girl, you are just like Xeno, your father, nothing can actually put you down"

It was true, Luna despite being bullied she never let it affect her or changer her in anyway, she stayed true to herself and what she believed in. One of the reasons Neville admired her so much, her bravery and confidence.

"I still don't understand how you weren't sorted into Gryffindor" chuckled Neville "You most definitely would make a better Gryffindor than I ever was"

"That's not true, don't put yourself down Nev... You're admirably courageous" the girl argued "Truly"

Luna: [Voice soft and dreamy] There's an article on Wrackspurts this month. Quibbler...?

The loitering students frown as if bothered by her presence then proceed to ignore her, including Dean Thomas who was whispering sweet nothing into Ginny's ear, the ginger girl mildly smiles at his attempts to catch her attention. She was more interested in the purple pygmy puff perched on her shoulder

Blaise opened his mouth ready to make a snide comment but Ginny beat him to it "Don't say a thing" she warned jabbing a finger into his chest. Her boyfriend immediately clamped his mouth shut.

Hermione smiled at her "I never understood why you two stayed together, all you did was fight"

"I don't know... I don't know, I guess with everything going on, we needed to hold onto something I suppose" she answered truthfully "It was stupid... all we did was hurt each other"

Theo glanced at an awe struck Blaise before speaking "There was this one time we caught Blaise pummeling Thomas, reckon he even broke his jaw. He wouldn't tell us why he did it even after losing us 70 house points"

Ginny's eyes went wide in surprise "Really? Why did you do it?"

"I hated it that he always made you cry, so I made him cry"

Draco nodded along his friend "No exaggerations there, he really made him cry"

"I didn't know" the ginger blinked in surpised

Lune: [Smiling] He's lovely. They've been known to sing on Boxing Day, you know... Quibbler?

Ginny: [Nodding] Please. [She inspects the first page and frowns] What's a Wrackspurt?

Luna: They're invisible creatures that float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy [Ginny grins making the blond girl smile and move off] Quibbler? Quibbler?

"I'm glad Xeno's magazine succeeded" beamed a happy looking Pan "Many believed it's rubbish and it would never work out" she added

"I for one loved it" grinned Ginny "It was very...odd. But in a good way"

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