XXXIX. Animagus

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XXXIX. Animagus

Hermione: Ron! No! [As Ron pelts after Scabbers, Annie and Hermione give chase, Ron reaches the summit, disappears over the top. Hermione and Annie follow. Annie and Hermione reach the top of the ridge then stop]

Hermione: Annie. You do realize what tree this is... [Ron nabs Scabbers, cradles him in his bloody palm]

Ron: Now behave yourself. [He scolds as he is shown kneeling under the Whomping Willow]

"Oh, oh that not good, that not good, get away from there you ginger fool"

Annie: That's not good. [Yelling] Ron! Run! [Ron spins. Looks toward Annie frightened]

Ron: Annie! Run! [Annie's eyes shift. Bounding toward her in the gathering gloom is an enormous, pale-eyed, jet black... dog. Annie shields herself when... the dog leaps clear over her]

"Padfoot that you" James gasped still not understanding what going on

"Ye-yeah" he stutters

"You're an Animagus?" Regulus asked surprised just as the rest of the students

"Oh yea, we all are" James answered on behalf of his friend gesturing to his group

"Really?" McGonagall asked surprised

"That's pretty impressive" Nodded Pandora "I've always wanted to meet an Animagus, I bet they're filled with nargles"

"They are mom" Luna nodded making her mother dreamily smile

Ron: Aaaahhhh! [The dog's teeth flash and -- SNAP! -- close on Ron's foot, dragging him towards the trunk like a rag doll. Instantly, Annie dashes forward, leaps out, and grabs Ron's hands... but he and Ron just keep scudding along the ground.]

"Oh I can't watch this" Molly gasps as she closed her eyes

"I've got you dear!" Arthur smile rubbing her back "He'll be alright, he's is here

Hermione: I've got you – [Hermione pitches herself onto Annie's feet... and the three of them go scudding along]

Ron: Annie! [Annie raises her chin. The dog vanishes into the gap at the base of the tree, begins to pull Ron through...]

Annie: Hold on, Ron! [But it's no use. The dog is too powerful. Annie glances around desperately, then finds herself looking directly in Ron's eyes. She can read his mind and what he is thinking]

Annie: No, Ron... [One by one, Ron releases his fingers from Annie's forearm. Sacrificing himself]

Annie: Nooooo!!! [ But Ron closes his eyes, releases his hands fully, and... Disappears. As his voice echoes deep into the earth...Annie and Hermione rise, peer into the hole. WHOMP! The Whomping Willow sweeps first Hermione, then Annie, into the air and -- FLOOMPH -- drops them on their backsides.]

"That must've hurt"

The branches overheard Swaying beautifully against the dusky sky, swishing softly. As one, they rise. Run back toward the gap in the tree. A branch swoops down. Hermione ducks. Annie doesn't. WHOOSH -- she is flung again. Hermione hops over another branch -- looks briefly pleased with herself -- only to find herself swept high in the air by a second branch. She looks down, sees Annie struggling to stand up

"How much more do we have to see this onslaught?" Lily urges

"It's absolutely brutal"

"There's no way one in the right mind will try to fight that crazy tree! It's mental"

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