LXXXII. Vision

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LXXXII. Vision

Everyone is cheering, laughing and happily clapping, Annie is with Ron and Hermione, the three of them happily yelling and clapping until, Annie stops, suddenly a clutching her scar as a searing pain rakes through her, it takes her by surprise, and so painful that she can't help it as she sways, the world blurring and falling to the ground amidst the crowds of cheering students. But the words or rather the vision she get is what has her blood running cold.

"I hate it when her scar hurts, something bad always happens" winced Marlene

Lily nodded agreement and added "Because it's a warning, that's why it hurts"

Everything fades, from the cheers to the fireworks, Annie finds herself standing in the hall of prophecy in the ministry of magic. A huge room filled floor to ceiling with shelves, on each shelf there's hundreds of tiny golden orbs

"That's...." Amelia started as she glanced at a stiff Bagnold

"The Prophecy hall" he finished for her, Moody just shrug but he knew what could reside inside of that room.

"What the prophecy hall?" asked, an intrigued Remus sharing a confused look with Lily

"As you can see, it's where the prophecies are kept for safe keeping, some very important, we..." Bagnold clears his throat, there's was no point in hiding it "The previous ministers and elite pureblood families agreed to keep it a secret even among the ministry of magic, only a select few knows of this place" he explains

It was Cygnus' turn to speak "We've never heard of this"

"You weren't a part of the 'elite purebloods' were you now?" Moody grinned at his own jab ignoring the glare that was sent his way "It's alright Black no need to pout"

"You ought to address is with respect if you know what's best for you" sneered an enraged Walburga

"Each glass orb that contained a prophecy was labelled with the name of the person who made the whom it concerns, ad the year it was made" Interrupted Amelia Bones before Alastor Moody started another pointless fight "Ergo, such information are too sensible to go public" she finished

"Interesting, very interesting" grinned a girl from the Ravenclaw table, eyes beaming with curiosity "I'd very much like to see it"

"Impossible, not everyone has access to the department of mysteries" Bagnold shrug, everyone turned to stare at him incredulously

"You said it was a new addition" Fabian accused pointedly

"I lied"

Annie gasps as her eyes land on Voldemort standing far up ahead grinning coldly at a man lying on the floor

Rabastan rubbed his temples annoyed "It's still doesn't make sense as to why Voldemort would go there" he sighed "What's so special about that place?"

"I was wondering the exact same thing"

Voldemort: [Hissing as he speak] Can you reach it? Can you take it for me, Black? [Sirius is surrounded by deatheaters, he glares defiantly at the lord they so oh worship]

Sirius: [Sneering] I would rather die!

"That's you Padfoot" shouted James not sure if he should feel excited, proud or scared for his brother

"I can see that Prongs"

"What the bloody hell are you doing in there" the way Regulus spoke it was easy to detect fear and worry, etched into every syllable "With him and on your own" he growled at his older brother, who was focused solemnly on the screen

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