CXVI. Break (1)

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CXVI. Break (1)

As the movie came to an end, silence reigned over the hall, the twist of events was something they definitely did not expect. Every individual in the hall was eager to find out what the twisted future held. It was thrilling and fascinating and yet scary, all at the same time.

As the floating candles in the hall were turned on, Sirius leaned back in his seat, giving his brother a proud smirk, nodding his head in approval "Well, that was definitely quite the entrance... Seems like you caught few of my dramatics ways after all, brother of mine"

Remus snorted as he rolled his eyes, of that would the first thing that Sirius would comment on. Regulus himself let out a small chuckle at the words, making his older brother even prouder that he managed to make him laugh.

"I don't think anyone could ever be more dramatic than Sirius" commented James

"I don't know" smiled Marlene "Ron could give him a run for his money"

As chatter broke amongst the students, all discussing the movies they have, seen some trying to predict what would happen next, in the meantime Hermione was talking with professor McGonagall about the urgency of watching the last two movies even if it meant the students had to stay up after curfew, something the older witch was not fond of.

Annie stayed with George, both just observing, Ron and Ginny were with their parents, while the other either left the hall or were talking with students. While the white-haired witch was deep in thought. "By the looks of it, McGonagall isn't happy that Dumbledore agreed to another movie" commented George.

"Yeah, well, she's going to have to deal with it, we've already wasted too much time, what's another movie?" she answered nonchalantly

"You seem on edge" he noted

"Well, things are getting more and more intense"

Geroge didn't answer, she was right, she wasn't the only tense one in the hall, attempting to change the subject, he looks around, noticing a certain platinum haired tall wizard leaving the hall "Seems like your lover boy is sneaking off somewhere, back to his old habits I see"

Annie rolls her eyes then cranes her neck to see as Draco closes the doors of the great hall as he leaves "Bugger off, he's not my lover boy... And give him a break, will you?"

"Nope... Can't do... He's one of us now, that doesn't exclude him from my daily harassing"

"Drop the act Geroge, I know you don't like him" she rolled her eyes

"Damn right, I don't. I don't like him! He was horrible to you, my brother and Hermione in Hogwarts, he was a brat and a stuck up rich boy" he exclaimed, noticing that she was about to retort something he beats her to it "But... I'll tolerate him... For your sake, An... He makes you happy... he cares deeply about you, and I respect that..." he smiles at her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as he brings her closer "He brought you back from a dark place while everyone else failed to do so, and I'm so damn grateful for that... Believe me, you're my best friend Annie, and seeing you happy is much more worth it than some hard feelings"

The girl tightens her hold on him, Geroge never failed to warm her heart, just a few words, a prank and he was able to make her forget all about her worries, and it works every single time. "Thank you, George... Truly... I'm grateful that I have you in my life"

"Of course, you are, I'm damn amazing, I'm perfect" he grins as he ruffles her hair. A wide grin stretches on his lips as he tilts her head back from her hair "Before you follow after your prince charming... Just a bit of advice, don't fall in too deep" this emitted a scoff from the girl

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