LXXX. Hagrid's brother

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LXXX. Hagrid's brother

It was night, inside the great hall, she had gathered all the members of the DA, minus Cho and Luke. Everyone ready for her torturous detention, being used to it by now, doing line but not quite simple as it seems. She sits at facing everyone sipping calmly on her tea, while the students wince and groan in pain with each word they write. The quill s using their blood for ink.

"Oh, god I want to throttle that bloody evil woman" cried a distressed Molly watching mere students be punished so harshly so cruelly, it was breaking her heart

"I can't believe they actually let her work at the ministry" sighed a disappointed Ted Tonks

"Well keep quite the eye on Umbridge, that is for sure" nodded Amelia, Bagnold agreed with her, there was no way they would let a woman like do as she pleased

It was agonizing and plain simply excruciating. After two hours of pure and cruel torture she finally decided to tell them to stop writing

Umbridge: Alright, I think this is quite enough. Hopefully you've all learned your lesson [She watches smirking as they all stand, then her eyes snap to Annie] Not you Miss Potter, your detention is not over yet.... I have another line I want you to do for me

"That's completely unfair!" shouted a horrified James he could not watch his daughter suffer more than she already has, she already looked so tired so weak, it was pushing him to the edge, breaking his heart even more

"She can't do that" added an equally freighted and horrified Lily, her eyes brimming with tears, she couldn't help it, watching her daughter be tortured she'd wish it was her rather than her little sunflower.

"That why I keep saying being noble is not everything in this life" grumbled Lucius

"She shouldn't have taken the blame about the fight" agreed Arthur "She really shouldn't have"

"Whether I did it or not, Umbridge would find an excuse to keep me there longer, she wanted to set an example" Annie shrug, sounding passive and nonchalant about it "So I might as well save Fred's brooding arse"

"You've only made him broodier" grumbled an annoyed George "He wouldn't stop complaining until I threatened to throw him off the astronomy tower if I heard him say your name one more time" he complained his friends could only chuckle amused, not surprised that he would do such thing, undoubtedly even go through with it

"You're too good Annie" mumbled Narcissa, the girl in question could only flash her a breathtaking cheeky smile.

Euphemia gasped at her granddaughter so suddenly and fussed to her husband "I can't believe how adorable she is" the man could only chuckle and agree with his beloved wife. Proud of James and Annie both alike, they were so similar, it was hard to miss.

Annie: [Tiredly, she wasn't sure she could go for another round] What?

Umbridge: Well we can't let your foolish irresponsibility go unpunished, you put the lives of several students at risk with that enchanted parchment of yours [She grins]

Fred: [Glaring at the evil woman] But that's not fair! She didn't... she didn't hurt anyone [He argued, only to be silenced by Annie's glare]

Umbridge: And what of poor Mr. Chang' face

"She didn't do that, you pompous bitch" glowered a rather irritated Marlene as she glared at the face of Umbridge appearing on screen hoping she'd magically be able to set a fire in her much to her dismay she could not.

"I'm not saying he didn't deserve it, but his poor pretty face" A Hufflepuff girl spoke

"Well I wouldn't go as far and say he deserve it, Fred pummeled him for snogging Annie, you know" snickered her friend

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