CXXIII. Unexpected Visit

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CXXIII. Unexpected Visit

Later that night, fuelled by hushed whispers, the trio defied Molly's unspoken curfew. After much convincing, mostly on Annie's part, seeing as Fred wasn't overjoyed that she was leaving again, he was clingy like that, she finally escaped his grasp and joined Ron and Hermione in his room.

Pushing open the door without bothering to knock, Annie was surprised to see Ron and Hermione suddenly jumping away from each, their expressions a mixture of surprise and fluster. This wasn't the secret meeting she'd envisioned. Annie's initial confusion morphed into amusement as she took in the scene

Annie: [Tilting her head to the side] What on earth happened here?

Ron: [cheeks the colour of a Weasley jumper, squeaked] Nothing! Absolutely nothing!

Annie: [Snorted, clearly unconvinced, she drawled] Right.

Sirius and James were the first to start laughing, it was undeniably clear what Ron and Hermione were up to, if not for Annie's interruption. Sirius grinned "It would seem our brilliant witch is rather fond of the ginger" he commented.

James eagerly bobbed his head up and down in agreement. Marlene snorted shaking her head "Yeah, she's not the only one" she added.

"That was such a dim-witted lie, it's like they didn't even try" grumbled a grinning Sirius

Remus found himself agreeing with his best friend "If it had been James in Annie's stead, he would have never brushed it away" he finished.

At the travellers table, the twins and Ginny wasted no time to start teasing the blushing couple. George being the first to speak "You two are so full of shit" he accused.

Ron glared his brother shaking his head pleadingly "No, we're not!"

Of course, no one believed him, it was such a bad lie, that even Hermione pinched his elbow to stop him from saying anything else. Despite what anyone might think, nothing happened that night between them, if Annie didn't show up when she did, they would have definitely snogged, but it is what it is.

She raised an eyebrow at their averted gazes but continued into the room anyway. She closed the door behind her and sighed, shaking her head. Before Ron could stammer a reply, he jumped to his feet, a sheepish grin spreading across his face.

Ron: Blast! Nearly forgot your birthday present. All thanks to that git interrupting me earlier!

Annie: [Smiling, a touch of warmth blooming in her chest] Honestly, Ron, you didn't have to get me anything-

Ron: [Rolling his eyes] Yeah, yeah.

Rolling his eyes, lip curling slightly up, Ron gave Annie a pointed look "You know, it's kind of started getting old" he muttered, confused, she raised a brow "What has?"

"The whole you didn't have to get me anything bullshit" he scoffed, staring her dead in her eyes daring her to say anything else to that. Ginny nodded her head in agreement "Yeah... When someone gets you a gift, you shut your trap and take it and say thank you" she instructed as if, talking to a little girl. She might as well be. Gods knew she was as stubborn as a toddler.

Watching the siblings amused, Annie could only roll her eyes, the word 'Idiot' on the tip of her mouth. Her habit never died even after the war, whenever someone would get her a gift, be it on her birthdays or Christmas or anything like that, she'd always tell them that they didn't have to get her anything, old habits die hard, true enough. But they also needed to understand where she was coming from, they just started getting their own money, she didn't want them to spend it on her. They should spend it on themselves. Whereas her, in her case, it wasn't her money, not per se, it was inherited, it wasn't the same thing.

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