LVIII. Pensieve

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LVIII. Pensieve

As Annie stayed back waiting on Cedric and Fred to meet her. As two figured appeared walking towards her, Cedric was first to sprint towards her wrap his arms around her and scoop her off her feet, making er squeal in surprise

Cedric: I knew you don't it [He spun them around, Annie wrapped her legs around his waist and hugged him back just as tight]

"Won't you look at that?"

"Aren't they just they cutest, it's a real shame they have to hide it" Narcissa commented

"Until the tournament was over, and it's pretty obvious a lot of people already know about them" Alice shrugged

Annie: [Grinning] Mind you second place

Fred: Alright stop hogging her all to yourself [He pulled Annie from Cedric and was quick to attach his lips to her own as he supported her small body on one hand as the other caressed her cheek] You did well today Red

Annie: [Blushing and tracing some of his freckles] Why do you call me red?

Fred: [A teasing smirk tugged at his lips] Because you flush crimson whenever I'm around you

Annie: [Gaping at him shocked, cheeks still flushed] W-wh-what?

Cedric: [Chuckling] You're adorable

Annie: It's not faire you two are ganging up on me....

"She's adorable" laughed Rabastan

"Ain't she?" Barty drawled out

"Can we stop talking about that?" James growled "It's already uncomfortable to watch" he grumbled

"No one is forcing you" Regulus retorted but there was an edge to his voice, she Sirius' goddaughter she was family to him and he would admit that it was rather uncomfortable to watch, despite being silent for a while, he's been worried sick during this tournament, he was somehow protective of her as well now

Cedric: You know I can't wait to talk you on an official date and let the school know you're mine so they'd back off...

Fred: [Glaring] Ours.... He's right though

Annie: We've got time... [Then realizing that they both only had one year left]But wait... next year you'll be 7th years you'll leave Hogwarts...

Cedric: Are you worried we're going to forget you? Tiger that's not happening alright,

Fred: And we'll come visit you, I'm not the school certified prankster for nothing

"We'd agreed that was me" George gasped

"Let him be, he's trying to impress his girl" Fabian chuckled "Us Fabians are the real deal" he winked

"Yeah right" Gideon glared

Annie: Let just get through this tournament, better watch yourself Ced I might even win....

Cedric: [Chuckling] Don't let it get to your head, I'm very competitive, you're on

Fred: Now, now children, I believe we have a date to attend before our sweet little Annie slips from our grasps and join her friends

"Dramatic much?"

"He's one of us" nodded Gideon

Annie: So what are we doing? I for one wouldn't mind just sitting here

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