XXIX. Dementors

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XXIX. Dementors

As the Hogwarts Express bleats its horn, we crane over the milling horde of students. Parents hurry their children onboard, tiny siblings wave goodbyes... and Mrs. Weasley dashes through the throng and up to an open train window.

Mrs. Weasley: Ron! [She hands Scabbers through the open window to him].

The aisle teems with students. Annie, Ron and Hermione work their way down the aisle, looking for an empty compartment.

Annie: I didn't mean to blow her up. I just...[Seemingly troubled by the memory] ... lost control.

Ron: [Excitedly] Brilliant!

Hermione: Honestly, Ron, it's not funny. Annie's lucky she wasn't expelled.

"I agree, she's lucky she wasn't expelled, but it was probably to keep her at Hogwarts and keep Black away from her!"

Ron: I still think it was brilliant.

SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! A copy of the Monster Book of Monsters Scuttles crab-like down the aisle, pursued by Neville Longbottom

Neville: Hi, Annie. Ron. Hermione.

Annie/Hermione/Ron: Hi, Neville. [As he bumps past, Hermione nods to a compartment.

Hermione: C'mon. We're in here. [As they slip inside, they find a man in shabby robes (PROFESSOR LUPIN) slumped against the window, asleep. He looks ill, exhausted. The trio eye him warily

"R. J. Lupin?" Regulus wonders

"Moony you became a teacher at Hogwarts, Moony that bloody awesome!" Sirius excitedly yells clapping

"Best DADA teacher we ever had" Annie nods smiling

"Bloody hell yeah!" Ron shouts too

"You hear that?" James beams at his friends who was flushed red in embarrassment

Ron: [Whispering] Who d'you reckon he is?

Hermione: Professor R.J. Lupin.

Ron: [Freaked out] You know everything. How is it she knows everything?

Cue to the laughter again

Hermione: It's on his case. [She points. Stamped in peeling letters on a battered case is "Professor R.J. Lupin."]

James gasps in recognition "That the case I gave you, you kept it Moony!" he shouted dreamily

"Of course!" Remus whispered back

Annie: Is he really asleep?

Hermione: Seems to be. Why? What is it, Annie?

Annie: Close the door. [Hermione and Ron exchange a curious glance, then Ron rises, slides the door shut. Storm clouds, like dark ghosts, toss sheets of rain onto the scarlet engine as it heads north. Ron and Hermione stare at Annie, faces stricken in the lantern light that now glows in the compartment. Crookshanks slumbers in his cage]

Ron: Let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you?

Annie: Yes

"Sorry Sirius I believed it at first!" Annie sheepishly smiled "In my defense I didn't know you"

"It's fine kid!" he laughed

Hermione: But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean... eventually?

Ron: Sure -- Of course, no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before and he's a raving, murderous lunatic...

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