XLVIII. Guests

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XLVIII. Guests

The Hall glows magically, decked out for the start of term feast. Albus Dumbledore addresses the house table from the top of the hall while Flitwick, McGonagall and Snape look on. Filch glowers from rear doors.

Dumbledore: Mr. Filch, our beloved caretaker, has informed me that the list of objects forbidden within the castle now includes Screaming YoYos, Fanged Frisbees, Ever-Bashing Boomerangs and Chocolate Marshmallow Bunnies. [A mischievous look in his eyes as he grins] I'm joking about that last one. The full list comprises four hundred and thirty-seven items may be viewed in Mr. Filch's office

Ron: Mental. Always has been. [Annie grins, glances to the Hufflepuff table and sees Cedric grinning appreciatively at Dumbledore as well]

"I second that" Laughed Evan "That man is one mad man"

"Couldn't have put it better"

Dumbledore: Now. There is, apparently, a rather nasty rumor flying about the school that Quidditch will not be played this year. That rumor, I'm here to tell you ... is absolutely true.

Indignation fills the Hall ... and Dumbledore only smiles in amusement

The students erupt into loud protests and boos, they can't cancel Quidditch they absolutely can't do it

"You can't not play Quidditch" James shouted

"Yeah, it's Quidditch, be reasonable" Barty nodded

"Boys you should be more sensitive you watched what happened at the world cup, they don't want to stir up trauma in the students" Lily scolded

"But it's.... Quidditch" Sirius whined in a small voice pouting

Dumbledore: There's an explanation, you see Hogwarts will this year play host to a legendary event, an event that has not taken place in over one hundred years... [He eyes the students who clearly were more than just intrigued]

Dumbledore and McGonagall glance at each other having a pretty good idea on what it could be

"What could he possibly be talking about?"

"What is that man on?"

"Albus" Bagnold turns to him having figured it out himself "Is it?"

"I'm afraid so" he nodded

Dumbledore: The Triwizard tournament

Excitement shakes the Hall, as all the students were excited to the core by the tournament each wanting to have a go, and try if for once in their lives

"No bloody way" Rabastan shouter "The Triwizard tournament? Seriously how lucky are these kids, the World Quidditch cup? Then the Legendary tournament" he asked making a lot of students nods in agreement with him

"This is bloody awesome, the Triwizard tournament and in Hogwarts" James and Sirius squealed like excited girls

"I want in" Almost the entire hall shouted at once

"Rod, pinch me, my dream is coming true" Rabastan told his brother almost in a haze, and as both Bella and Rodolphus pinched him, he broke out glaring them both "I didn't mean literally, wankers"

Fred: [Excitement written all over his face] You're Joking! [Causing McGonagall to shoot him a stern look]

Cue tot the laughter followed by cheers once more

Dumbledore: I am not joking, Mr. Weasley. For those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournament was originally conceived some seven centuries ago as a way for the three largest European wizardry schools to engage in a series of magical contests while their respective student bodies experienced of cross cultural social intercourse.

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