LXXVI. Occlumency

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LXXVI. Occlumency

Annie: [Starring at Sirius surprised] That was...

Sirius: If he gives you a hard time, write me

Annie: Sure, I'd bet Neville would love to see Snape get his arse handed to him

"You have no idea Annie" sighed Neville almost dreamily at the thought of seeing Severus Snape being put back to his place

"Look at you being all protective and all" grinned James "Good thing you still call him Snevillus"

"What are you talking about Prongs that is his name" Sirius shrug

"We both know you're bluffing" Marlene rolled her eyes at his antics

Sirius: [Raising an eyebrow at her then chuckling] Of course. [Sirius looks to the staircase just as Fred reaches the last stair, and quickly his mood turns sour] I need to have a talk with the... both of you

Annie: [Glances at Fred worriedly] Okay...

Moments later, in the kitchens, Sirius sits across of the two Hogwarts students, his arms crossed, eyebrows raised pointedly then he turns to Fred

"He's not going to present the whole 'What are your intentions with my daughter' speech is he?" Rabastan frowned

"He should" James huffed

"Well he did" Annie grinned "Sort of..."

"I'm so proud of myself"

Sirius: I thought made myself very clear when I warned you to steer clear from her...

Fred: With all due respect, but you don't tell me what to do

"Holy hell that was good" Dorcas squealed childlike

"Boys you should take notes" Narcissa announced

"What?" Lucius frowned at her "I don't see anything special about what he said, he sounds right about rude if you ask me" he rolled his eyes

"Damn right he does" James agreed

"You are hopeless idiots" Alice sighed causing Frank to stare at her dumbfounded

"The fact that you don't see what so great about he said says everything we need to know about you guys" confirmed a Hufflepuff girl

"You girls are all uniting for this thing?"

"Girls are straight up mental" Barty whispered

"Don't let them catch you say that" another boy answered him

"I still don't see the thrill"

Sirius: I know you two stayed together the previous night, I don't even want to know, this ends now, no more sneaking into each other's room, I mean it, stay away from her Weasley brat. [He beams at them] Good talk, off you go

"That was so.... Like you" Remus commented being the first to talk after Sirius' warning

"I swear your cousin is Schizophrenic" Rabastan frowned at Narcissa

"He's just dramatic and sometimes... quite overbearing"

"Hey! I'm not overbearing!"

At his remark everyone sent him a pointed look and scoffed

"Try telling that to someone who doesn't know you" Regulus scoffed

"Oh, yeah make fun of 'ol Sirius, go ahead laugh it off" he sighed

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