CV. Memories (2)

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CV. Memories (2)

Annie lands in in a greyish dirty room, it took her a few seconds to recognize the place as the filthy Gaunts house. Only a moment later Dumbledore appeared beside her. The only light in the room came from one small melting candle sitting near a man, who had his hair and bear so long. To see his eyes and mouth you had to really look. The man was not moving he appeared almost dead.

Before Annie could ask the professor, a knock on the door sounded, she watched surprised as the man jerked, startled from his sleep, quickly arming with a wand and a short knife. Annie watched as the door was pushed open revealing, a tall, dark haired, handsome boy. She instantly recognized him as the young teenage Tom Riddle. The resemblance between him and his father was uncanny. The man ran at Tom threateningly with the knife.

"I know who the bearded troll is" gasped Sirius "It's... What's his name again?" he asks James as he furrows his brows. The latter gives him a confused look "I don't know who that is... I never met him"

"I never met him either, dumbass" chuckled Sirius "But he's that guy, the one with the knife... I forgot his name"

"Morfin, Padfoot. His name is Morfin Gaunt" sighed Remus

Sirius nodded "Yep... That's the one, good job Moony"

Marlene shook her head amused the three boys' antics, they were all so similar but different at the same time. Sure sometimes Sirius drove crazy, she still enjoyed their company. Of course she would deny this if ever asked. No one needs to know, especially not that raven haired rascal.

Marlene despite what Sirius claims is not someone who is hard to befriend, she was extremely easy going, fun, and understanding. She was like Ginny. The girl could befriend literally anyone, with few exceptions of course.

It was hard to hate Marlene, but for some reason Sirius hated her, she didn't know why, of course she was just as violent with him, but it's only because he started it when they were second years, he somehow found out a little secret and went ahead and spread it all around Hogwarts. Ever since it was an all-out war between them two.

Morfin: You! You dare come here!

Tom: [Hissing in Parseltongue] Stop!

Morfin: [Stopping instantly, staring shocked at Tom] You speak it?

Tom: Yes, I do [Watching as the bearded man walks inside the house and following after him] Who are you?

Morfin: Morfin...

Tom: [Narrowing his eyes] Where's Marvolo?

Dorcas chuckled and turned to her friend Naomi "Why is it always the good looking ones that become villains?" she nods at the screen "I mean look at him"

Naomi grinned rolling her eyes "I think you have some sort of boy fever, you can't fall in love with every attractive man you see"

"Hold up! I don't literally fall in love with them"

One of the girls sitting there snorted and sassed "How about Fred?"

"He's a special case" sighed Dorcas dreamily, at this comment Naomi pinched Dorcas in the sides "What did we talk about?"

"She brought it up!"

"You failed the test" grumbled the girl

"I thought you girls were my friends" gasped a clearly shocked Dorcas

Naomi rolled her eyes "We are, which is why we want you to realize how stupid your unrequited crush on Fred is"

"Baby steps!"

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