CXI. Task completed

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CXI. Task completed

Two days after Fred and George's heartwarming visit, which ended up as a disaster and McGonagall had to kick them out entirely. Annie still found herself laughing whenever she thought about how they pranked the Slytherins, it wasn't right but it sure did help lift up her spirit. So here she is with, Ron, and Hermione, seating on the grounds as they watch the sky turn to a burning shade of yellow and orange. Hermione with a book closed on her lap, while Annie laid on the ground, head on Ron's lap as the ginger leaned against a tree.

Ron cuts his gaze to castle his eyes falling on Slughorn who was a at the far end, talking with some students, Annie follows Ron's gaze and the white-haired witch sighs in annoyance.

Ron: [Wincing] Still no luck with Slughorn I imagine

Annie: [Eyes widening] Say that again

Ron: [Patting her braided white hair] Don't worry, you'll find a way, we'll-

Shaking her head as she pushes away from and raising to her knees, hand going inside her robes, shuffling, looking for something, she grins as she finally gets hold of it and pulls out her hand, showing the tiny glass vial containing the liquid luck she had won in Slughorn's class.

Annie: [Grinning] Say that again

George cut his eyes down to Annie and scoffed in disbelief "Blood hell" he shook his head "Of course, why didn't you even think of using it much sooner?"

Annie shrugged "Didn't think about it... It never came to mind..." she shook her head

"I would've told you to use it much sooner, if I had known you still had it" grumbled Ron, but the girl only rolled her eyes in response.

"But it would get you in trouble, won't it?" asked a confused Neville

Hermione shook her head "I think not... Slughorn never said anything about not using it in school... And it was hers to do anything she pleases" she answered.

Hermione: [Eyes wide in surprise] You can't possibly- [She turns to Ron and scoffs] I don't know if I should call you genius or an idiot.

Ron: [Merely shrugging] Bloody hell! I thought that I-

Annie: That you drank it during your first match? Yeah, no, sorry pal, I only pretended to pour it down your glass, it was all you.

Ron: If not drinking gave me that much luck, imagine what it would be like taking the bloody potion... Bloody Hell Annie, you tricked me.

Watching Ron and Hermione interact with each other always reminded her of Sirius and Marlene, they bicker a lot... But they had each other's backs, she wasn't sure if the same could be said in regards of Sirius and Marlene.... But for some reason, Ron and Hermione reminded her of them

Feeling eyes on her, Marlene, gives Alice a confused look as she asks "What?"

"Nothing.... Nothing.... I was just thinking, how similar you and Sirius are to Ron and Hermione" she admitted

"I would normally take it as compliment, seeing as you're comparing me to that lovely smart witch... But then you put Sirius in the same sentence" scoffed Marlene... Not seeing how similar they were at all.

Alice only grinned as she added "You may not see it, but we certainly do..."


Annie: As captain, I had to cheer up my players

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