XLIV. Feather

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XLIV. Feather

Hermione: We have to go. [As Annie and Hermione dash off, they race up the tower stairway, then passing through the mechanism and on through to the end of... the corridor. The Clock Tower Bell thunders. The Door opens and Dumbledore backs out...

Dumbledore: By the way, when in doubt, I always find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin... Good luck. [As Dumbledore begins to close the door, Annie and Hermione stumble frantically forward, the door about to hit the jamb, when... suddenly... Dumbledore stops. Looks up.]

Dumbledore: Well?

Annie: He's free -- Sirius. We... we did it.

Dumbledore: Did what? [With a twinkle in his eye, Dumbledore swings open the door. As Annie and Hermione enter.... they catch the faintest glimpse of... themselves... across the room... just as they evaporate. Ron blinks. Turns. Frowns.]

"Damn twinkly man" Huffed an annoyed Bellatrix

Ron: How'd you two get over there? I was just talking to you... over there. [Ron glances to the other side of the room. Frowns. Hermione glances mischievously to Annie.]]

Hermione: What d'you think, Annie? Too much for him -- everything that's happened tonight?

Annie: Afraid so. Always been a bit of the nervous type, Ron has. [Ron stares at them, confounded. Slowly, they... grin]

As laughter breaks in the hall, Ron frowns annoyed at his two best friends

"I still can't believe you two did that to me!" he huffs

"I still can't believe you never told me about this" Laughed George

"It was hilarious"

"Was not"

Morning, The Whomping Willow sways in a light breeze. The Black Lake shimmers, clouds drifting in its glassy mirror. Annie walks softly toward an open door -- Lupin's office -- and peers in. Lupin stands over a battered suitcase, filling it with the last of his books. Without turning, he knew she was there

Lupin: Hello, Annie. [Annie jumps. Lupin turns, smiles through haggard eyes]. Saw you coming. [The Marauder's Map lies open on an otherwise bare desk. Annie nods, looks back to Lupin. Unable to disguise her shock at Lupin's appearance.]

"Ah don't worry, he looked worse at some point" Joked Sirius earning a smack in the head from Marlene

Lupin: I've looked worse, believe me. [Annie eyes the open desk drawers... the bare Bookshelves...]

Annie: You've been sacked.

Lupin: Resigned, actually.

"Why? You always wanted to be a teacher" frowned Lily

"Really?" asked James and Sirius

Annie: Resigned! But why!

Lupin: It seems that someone has let slip the nature of my condition.

Annie: Snape.

"Greasy git" growled Sirius

"Oi Snape snitch are we now?" Barty asked raising an eyebrow while Severus only looked down in shame

Lupin: Whoever. It was bound to get out. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving. Parents will not want a -- someone like me -- teaching their children.

Annie: But Dumbledore --

Lupin: [Sighing] Has already risked enough on my behalf. Besides, people like me, well... let's just say I'm used to this by now. But before I go, tell me about your Patrons.

Annie: [Briefly smiling] Well. At first I thought it was a horse, or perhaps a unicorn, but I think it was --

Lupin: A stag.

Annie: Yes.

Lupin: Your father used to transform into one. That's how he was able to keep me company when I became...sick. He was a great friend James. [Lupin smiles wanly, lifts his sorry suitcase. Then stops] There are stories about him and your mother, you know. Some are even true. But I think it's safe to say, in the end, you'll know them best by getting to know yourself. [Lupin then -- with a wicked twinkle -- raises his wand] Mischief managed.

Annie watches the Map go blank. Looks back. Lupin is gone. In the great hall, Ron stands amid a circle of excited Gryffindors.

Ron: Stand back, I said! I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle! [As Annie arrives looking somewhat deep in thought, Ron glances at Hermione, who clears her throat loudly. The others turn, begin all speaking at once.]

Neville: Annie! Wherever did you get it!

Seamus: Can I have a go, Annie? After you, of course --

Ron: Quiet! [as they oblige he huffs annoyed] Thank you. Let the woman through.

Mystified, Annie steps forward, the boys peeling away, clearing her view of the broomstick in Ron's hands. The label gleams: "FIREBOLT."

"I want one"

"How come she gets all these fancy brooms, I want one too"

"They don't even exist yet quiet James" Dorcas snarls

Annie: Whose is that?

Ron: [Laughing with the others] Whose is it? It's yours, mate.

Annie: Who? But... how?

Hermione: [With a smug grin] It's a mystery. Though... this fell out of the wrapping. [Annie turns, sees Hermione holding up a feather].

Annie: That's a Hippogriff feather - [As Annie stops short, Hermione raises her eyebrow. As they share a secret glance]

All eyes snap to Sirius who blushed but it was hardly visible

"Look at you mate acting like a father and all!" James laughs

"Didn't know you had it in you Black" Marlene nods impressed while others just praise him for his deed. Lily was almost in tears and Annie just smiled fondly at that

BOOM! The huge vertical doors bursts open and Annie, trailed by the others, exits with the Firebolt. As she strides off, others join the assembly -- Hagrid, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle among them -- curious to see what the commotion is all about. As Annie stops, an expectant hush hangs over the moment.

Seamus: Go on, Annie.

Neville Yeah. Let's see.

Annie grins happily mounts the broom. Licks her finger and jabs it in the air. A few others do the same. Hagrid does the same. Crabbe and Goyle start to do the same, when Malfoy slaps their hands down. Finally, Annie places her hand on the broom. Sets her grip. Takes a breath. And...Frowns.

Fred and George: What's wrong?

Annie: I don't think it works. I think it's defective.

A collective groan. Dejected, many of the kids begin to drift toward the castle. Annie calls after them

Annie: Oh, come on now. It's just a broom.

Hagrid: [nodding sagely] Just a broom. [Annie's eye shifts to Ron and Hermione and winks]

Annie: The fastest broom in the world. [As everyone turns -- WHOOSH! -- Annie jets off and the screen cuts turning black.

"The movie is over" Hermione announces and several groans are heard across the hall, students wanting to see more causing her to chuckle slightly. Littledid they knew how horrifying the next movies were.


Coming up a "break" where the futur gen and marauder just mix up and sped time together

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