35. || Like home.

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Pedris POV:

If Pablo kept carrying on like this he will ruin his whole career all over again. Xavi is already mad that he has missed 3 training sessions without telling anyone where he is or why he has ghosted everyone. I promised him a few years back that I wouldn't let anything bad happen to him again but it is. It's happening all over again and I can't even help him. That's the worst part. I really need to find him. I only had one option. To message the one person he would listen too.


Sofias POV:
I hadn't left my room in a few days. I wasn't depressed I just really didn't have the energy to get up and speak to people. I haven't really ate- not deliberately- just because I have been sleeping a lot of the time. I finally decided to get up today.
I walked to my bathroom and I brushed my teeth, washed my face, done my skincare, brushed my hair and got changed. I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good. I decided I wasn't going to let a break up take a toll on my life and my mental health.

"Hi lily" i said as I walked into the kitchen

"Oh my god finally are you okay? Do you need anything?" She questioned

"I'm okay. But I've decided I won't let a break up control my life" I said

"That's my girl! Cmon let's get you some food" she said as she hugged me and began making pancakes. We just ate and chatted. She was filling me in on everything with pedri, I was happy for her don't get me wrong but hearing how happy they were together made me miss Pablo even more. Whilst she was speaking about him a year rolled down my cheek.

"Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't thinking" she said quietly

"It's okay Lils. I'm so happy for you I just miss him more than you could imagine. He just felt right. Like home. But obviously he didn't feel the same way. I don't know what I did wrong." I said

"It's not your fault sof, you didn't do anything wrong, I don't know why he broke up with you. He might of had some things going on, you know with his dad dying and football and stuff. Has he ever told you anything that is similar to this situation." She asked me

I thought to myself for a moment. I had never thought about it like that before. What if he was going through that all over again. I wonder if he's going through the same thing he went through when his grandma died. Oh no. I can't let him go through that alone again. I've been so selfish, I was too busy wondering what I had done wrong when I forgot that he might have his own problems and reasons to do it. I need to speak to him. I grabbed my phone and saw many, many messages from pedri and the boys. Oh boy.


I need help sof. Right now.

Answer your phone please

I know your upset but I'm worried about Pablo.

6x missed calls from pedri🤞🏼

I called him back right away.

The call:


Oh my finally. I need your help

What with?

Pablo. He hasn't turned up to training and he hasn't been home for a few days. I'm really worried Sofia.

What's that got to do with me. He broke up with ME. Not the other way around.

Please Sofia. He still loves you, he just has issues he's trying to work through and he thought by breaking up with you it would help but he was wrong and he really, really needs you right now.

But why me pedri?

Because he will listen to you.

Ugh fine come get me in 20 mins.



I ended the call quickly updated lily and got ready as fast as I could.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face and brushed my hair , I don't have anytime to put on makeup so I just shoved some leggings and a jumper on.

I'm here.

"Lils I'm leaving" I said as I walked towards the front door.

"Okay good luck, and remeber just hear him out" she added

I sighed. "Ye, I will"

To be honest I didn't want to hear him out I didn't even want to see him but part of me was really worried that he was about to go down the same path he went down a few years ago and considering I was the only person that knew about that it was only right that I had to find him.

I walked out to pedri's car.

"Hey. How are you?" Was the first thing he asked me

"Yeah I'm fine." I said quickly.

"Do you have any idea where he is?" I asked him


"How will we find him them?" I asked confused

"You." He said

End of chapter 35.

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