16. || Can I help you

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Skip to Friday, the opening day of the bakery
Me and lily both woke up at 6am and headed down to the bakery for the opening day! Yesterday we spent all day making fresh cakes and pastries, we also set up for today. I was so excited and I was beyond grateful that I got to do it with lily, I couldn't of asked for a better best friend.

Lilys family was coming down from Madrid to be there for the opening along with the boys, pedri, Pablo, ansu, Ale and raphina. I was happy when u saw the boys there, they were my only proper friends I'd ever had, except from lily obviously.
After we had finished getting organised the opening had begun. There was already a mini queue outside with Pablo and the other at the very front.

We opened the door and around 5–10 people made their way into the shop, looking around and examining the cakes and baked goods in the shop window. About three hours since the opening we had got a decent amount of customers for our first day. The boys stayed for a while but we had to kick them out because they were taking up two of our few tables😂 Pablo told me he would try to see me later anyway. We decided to shut a little earlier since it was our first day. We already had two extra members of staff that we recruited a couple days ago. A boy called 'Mateo' who was 16 and a girl called 'Amara' who was 17'

It was handy having them around because that meant me and lily could go to the kitchen and get a head start with the baking for tomorrow. Once we had closed and cleaned everything up it was 7:45pm and we walked home since it was a 2 minute walk. After we had arrived I invited
Pablo and pedri over to hang out. They said they would love to and they said they would be over in 20mins.

"Heyyy" I said as I answered the door to the boys

"Hi! We brought snacks!" Pedri said as him and Pablo hold up bags of sweets and chocolates

I smiled and they made their way though to the living room where lily was already sitting on the couch. She stood up and said hi to Pablo then she hugged pedri and they started chatting.
I took the food they had brought and walked to the kitchen. Pablo following behind me.

"Can I help you?" I said looking at him laughing

"No, don't mind me!" He said smiling

I continued putting the stuff away then me and Pablo walked back to the living room and we all agreed we would watch a movie. We watched 'titanic' lily sat next to pedri and i sat next to Pablo with lily on the other side of me. The movie was almost finished, I looked over to pedri and lily and they were cuddled up together sleeping on each other.

"Pablo look" i said quietly

Pablo looked up and smiled at them. I looked at him and he looked like he was about to fall asleep, he looked so cute when he was tired. I patted my chest and he placed his head on me gently and fell asleep. I was playing with his hair until I fell asleep too.

End of chapter 16
Sorry this chapter is a bit boring but there is exciting stuff coming up.

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