26. || I would never leave you

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Pablo's POV:
I woke up and was instantly rushed with all the bad memories from last night. It felt like someone punched me in the stomach and to make matters worse Sofia wasn't next to me. Where was she? Has she left me? Was she embarrassed of me? I know I fucked up yesterday but I really needed her right now. I still felt numb. I hated telling people how I feel but with her it was just different. She just gets me. I couldn't let her leave.

I stood up shakily and began walking downstairs. Why was it so hard to walk? My legs began to give way. I was about to fall down the stairs until I felt a strong grasp around my body. Her. It was always her.

"Woah.watch yourself there" she said as she walked me down the stairs

"How are you feeling?" She asked me still holding onto me

"I don't even know" i said avoiding eye contact. I'll admit it. I was embarrassed. Embarrassed that I couldn't fight back and I couldn't handle my emotions.

"Pablo, look at me." She said and I looked at her in the eyes.

She sighed and her eyes were full off pity. "Why are you embarrassed Pablo. Something horrible just happened to you. You don't need to act like it didn't happen." She said holding my hands.

"Sofia. Why are you being so nice to me. I hurt you. And u still came back to help me. Why?" I asked her

"Because I love you Pablo. In a way I've never loved anyone before." She said and I kissed her.

"Amor. I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking and I was just jealous, please forgive me. The truth is I can't do anything without you by my side. I really need you Sofia. Especially now." I said not taking my eyes off her.

"I would never leave you Pablo. Ever." She told me. I just hugged her and I didn't let go for a while. After se where done hugging I took Sofia's hand in mine and we walked into the kitchen where everyone else was. I loved my friends but I really didn't want everyone feeling sorry for me. So before they all got up to hug me and said something.

"Look. I know this is going to make me sound like a dick and I know you guys would just be trying to help me but can we please act like this whole thing never happened last night. I really don't want to talk about it anymore." I said as they all listened closely. Sofia squeezed my hand and smiled at me.

"If that's what you want bro. But seriously are you okay?" Alr asked me

"Yeah. I'm okay." I said and looked at Sofia and mines hand joined together.

During breakfast we just talked about football and the girls where speaking about the bakery since we all go back to work tomorrow. I really want to go back to football because it's like my escape from everything. When I'm playing everything just disappears. Except when we're playing Real Madrid. Vinicius junior. I hate him. With my whole heart. Whenever I'm playing against him all my emotions just build up and I end up doing something stupid which ends up me getting sent of or me getting aggressive and angry over the littlest things. Of course. With my luck, next week we are playing them in a pre season friendly. Great.

End of chapter 26.

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