9. || I've got you

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Pablo's POV:
I picked Sofia up at 7 and I decided I would take her to 'my spot' I had never showed it to anyone before because it was so special to me but she was different. I liked her. Once we arrived we sat down and started talking.

"How come this place is so special to you?" She asked me

I sighed. I didn't want to tell her everything yet incase she thought I was weird and I didn't want that. So I said...

"I'll tell you some day, but for now it doesn't matter." She nodded at my reply

We spent the rest of the night chatting and getting to know each other. She wasn't like any other girls I had met, she seemed genuinely nice and caring. Once we had arrived at her house she asked me if I wanted to come in. I obviously said yes. We began by eating at chatting then we started watching a movie. The shining. Me and Sofia were sitting next to each other with our sides touching but I didn't have my arm around her and she wasn't leaning on me. I wanted her too though.

"Pablo, this movie is so scary can we please turn it off" she said

"Trust me, it's a good movie" i said

"Ugh okay"

We carried on watching for about half an hour until a jump scare came. Sofia jumped and leant on me. I jumped as well and I took it as an opportunity to move my arm around Sofia. After I put my arm around her she adjusted her self and cuddled into me. We continued watching the movie. Once it had finished I looked down and realised she was sleeping. She was so pretty.
I carried her to her room- well I think it was her room - and lay her down on the bed. I was about to walk away and leave but I felt a hand hold onto mine.

"Stay. Please" she said in a quiet voice

"Okay" I said as I lay next to her on her bed.

"Goodnight Pablo"

"Goodnight Sofia"

It was all going well until I woke up at about 2:30am and noticed Sofia was shaking. I tried to wake her up but it didn't work. I started panicking I didn't know what to do. She kept on shaking and was mumbling things until I shook her hard and shouted her name. She woke up and was struggling to breathe.

"Hey hey it's okay, I've got you" I told her

After a while of holding onto me she eventually fell asleep and I cuddled into her.

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