24. || jealous

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"Absolutely not" Pablo said right away

"Same, no chance I'm going on that" lily added

"Agreed" pedri said

"Same, that looks so scary" Ale said

"Yeah. You won't catch me dead on that" raphina said

Ansu was standing looking at the ride...

"Ugh fine I'll go on with you"he said sighing

"YESSS!" I shouted and jumped on Ansu. Pablo looked so jealous but oh well if he was that bothered he should of came on with me.

I gave my stuff to lily then me ans Ansu walked to the queue. He looked so scared. I felt bad. I felt like I had pressured him to do it.

"You don't have to do it if u don't want to" I told him

"Nah I'm good just nervous" he laughed

The other were standing at the side waiting for our turn. Once we had got to the front of the line the worker took us to where we would be sitting. We sat down and buckled ourselves in.

"Shit I regret this" I said panicking

"Hey you'll be fine" Ansu said

"No no no no I need of this" i said breathing heavily

"Look at me, your okay. Just breathe" he said as he held my hand. I started breathing along with him and I was okay again.

"Thanks Ansu, I don't even know why I get like that." I said embarrassed

"It's alright. Now let's have some fun." He said as the ride slowly started moving up. I was still holding Ansu's hand because I was so scared and I think he was too.

Pablos POV:

I didn't want to go in the ride because truth is I was terrified of rides I don't even know why I came here but oh well. Everyone said no to go on the ride with Sofia until Ansu said he would go on with her. I don't know why but I started to get jealous, I shouldn't tho because ansu was like my brother.
I watched them in the queue laughing and chatting and I wished it was me. They then went over to sit on their seat and I noticed Sofia panicking. I wanted to shout to see if she was okay but I saw Ansu holding her hand and calming her down. That was supposed to be my job.
The ride slowly started moving up and they were still holding hands. Why couldn't they let go? Now I know that I'm being paranoid and they are probably just scared but still. The ride went on for about 5 minutes then it came back down. As Ansu and Sofia were walking back down the line they were laughing and STILL holding hands. Okay, that's just a bit weird.

"Oh my god guys that looked terrifying" pedri said shocked

"Right" lily added

"It was" Ansu said laughing

"Enjoying each other touch there" I blurted out glaring at their hands connected.

"Oh I didn't even realise" Sofia said laughing dropping ansu's hand and smiling at him before walking away with lily. Why was that funny? Did she like Ansu? Does she still want to be with me? There we go overthinking as always. God. I just wish I didn't overthink I hate it so much and I end up being a dick or shutting people out when I overthink.

Sofia's POV:
Truth was I didn't even realise I was still holding ansu's hand, I think we where both traumatised from that ride. Pablo pointed it out and I let go of his hand laughing and he was too. After that we just walked around a bit more and everyone was in a good mood apart from Pablo. For some reason he was quiet and would be rude if anyone tried to talk to him. I decided I would ask him about it later when we weren't in front of everyone.

When we had all went back home I was in pablo's room. The boys where down stairs and pedri and lily where staying in his room. Yes I know. I've stayed here so many nights but I love staying here. It was about 10:30pm when Pablo came upstairs. He walked in the room and didn't say anything to me instead he went straight to the bathroom. Weird. I waited until he was done to talk to him.

"Pablo?" I asked him

"Hmm" he mumbled back at me not even bothering to looking at me

"Have I don't something wrong" I asked him

"Oh jeez, I don't know Sofia why don't you just go to Ansu he seems like he's great at comforting you." He said raising his voice

"You can't be serious right now" I asked him

"I am." He said bluntly

"There is no way you are jealous of me and Ansu." I said raising my voice too.

"I'm not jealous you clearly like him. You're probably just one of those girls that moves around the whole friend group. Didn't your parents raise you to be loyal?" He said and I couldn't believe he just said that.

"PABLO I WAS ABOUT TO HAVE A PANIC ATTACK AND ANSU HELPED ME, DO YOU NOT THINK I WOULD OF PREFERRED IT TO BE YOU, OF COURSE I WOULD OFF BUT YOU WEREN'T THERE. SO DONT YOU DARE SAY I LIKE SOMEONE ELSE WHEN I CLEARLY DONT AND DONT YOU DARE TALK ABOUT MY PARENTS WHEN YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MY PAST." I screamed at him. I probably woke up the whole house. But I didn't care. I grabbed my phone and ran out of he house. It was raining and I only had shorts and a tshirt on. Fuck. But I couldn't go back. Not after what he said. 'Didn't your parents raise you to be loyal.' Wow. Because I fucking held a boys hand.  Ansu is litteraly my best friend and Pablo's. Why does he not trust me? Where was this coming from. What did I do wrong?

End of chapter 24.

But of a longer chapter

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