19. || I really like you

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Sofia's POV:

"Oh, I didn't know anyone was going to be here" I said quietly

"I was just leaving" Pablo said dryly

"No." I said as I grabbed his hand. "Stay" he stayed but he brushed my hand away.

We just sat in silence looking at the city pass in front of us. I looked at Pablo and he looked sad. I wanted to give him a hug but I needed to explain first.

"Pablo.." I said quietly

"Yeah" he replied

"I'm going to explain everything and I don't want you to interrupt me" I said

"Bu-" he tried to say but I cut him off

"Pablo. The first day I met you at that club was probably the best day of my life, I needed someone so bad and you were there. I started liking you that night but I had just been cheated on and something that Carlos said made me extremely upset. Ever since that night I've tried to not have feelings for you because I have trust issues and I didn't want to be in a relationship again incase what Carlos done would happen again but I can't deny it Pablo. Your the most perfect guy ever and you never fail to make me laugh and smile even on my worst days. I've known you for about a month but I feel like I've known you my whole life. Your handsome, funny and caring. What you saw last night... I know it looked bad but you have to trust me when I say I didn't kiss him. He messaged me saying I had to come back to the bakery and I obviously went back thinking something was wrong. But once I had arrived he didn't say anything and kissed me and that's the bit you saw. You didn't see when I pulled away and shouted at him. Pablo I like you. I really like you. Only you." I said all in one breath

He looked at me and smiled like an idiot

"You like me?" He asked still smiling

"Yes! Of course I like you Pablo" I said

He then grabbed my face and kissed me. Finally. Once he let go he said...

"I really like you too" still smiling

I smiled at him and hugged him. I buried my head into his jumper and we just sat like that for a few minutes. Until Pablo started speaking.

"You know, last night I was coming to tell you that I liked you"

"Don't make me feel any worse" I told him

"I really like you Sofia. Like a lot. I've never felt this way towards any girl before. So would you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked me and I couldn't stop smiling

"YES! A million times yes" I said kissing him.

He kissed me back then we left walking hand in hand. Once we had got to the bottom of the hill Pablo asked me if I wanted to stay at his since it was late and my apartment was quite a walk away. (He didn't have his car and I walked) so we walked back to his house. When we walked in it was quiet, me and Pablo walked into the living room where the boys were watching a movie. Pedri saw Pablo first.

"PABLO! Where have you been!" Pedri asked annoyed and worried

"I needed some time but I'm fine now" he said and smiled that's when i appeared from the hallway.

"Sofia!!" Alr said as he walked over and gave me a hug.

"He Ale, and hey boys" I said as I hugged Ale back

"Hi" pedri, raphina and pedri replied

"Pablo can I speak to you outside" pedri said, he looked angry

"Ehm sure" he turned to me and told me I'd be back in a minute, I nodded and went to sit next to the boys. I sat next to Ale and Ansu and we were just catching up. I missed speaking to these guys.

End of chapter 19

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