33. || why am i not enough for anyone

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Pablo's POV:

I didn't go home last night. I couldn't face everyone asking if I was all right and feeling sorry for me. I didn't want Sofia to see me. I couldn't even be around my family. So I went to the only place no one would be. I drove to the hill and spent my night there, I didn't sleep. I couldn't. I was sitting there looking over the city just thinking about everything. I would be lying if I said I wasn't ignoring everyone's calls. I would say it was 1am and I already got many different calls from people.

5x missed calls from Sofia❤️

3x missed calls from pedri🤝

1x missed call from Ale💙

2x missed calls from aurora

I really didn't feel like answering any of them. I knew they would be worried but I really didn't care. It felt like my whole world was crashing down. Along with Sofia. I was shutting everyone out again, but I couldn't help it. There was too many bad things going on.
1. My dad just died.
2. The barca fans hate me
3. I'm falling out of love with football
I know what I am going to do. But is it the right decision? Probably not. Was I going to do it anyway because I'm stupid? Yes.

I slept in my car. Well I say 'slept' I didn't. I tried but I couldn't, i had too many thoughts running through my head. I woke up with even more calls from Sophia. I knew I had to reply to her at one point, so I did.

Meet me at our spot at 10am.

Pablo. I was so worried. Are you okay? I'll be there❤️

God she makes this so hard. I don't know how I'm going to tell her. This is probably the wrong decision but I need to do it.
Sophia's POV:

I woke up with a message from Pablo. Thank god.

"Ale wake up!" I said shaking him.

"What?" He said in a huff

"Pablo messaged me."

"What did he say?" He said

"He asked me to meet him at 10." I said

"Okay let's go then. That's in 15 mins." He said getting up

"No wait." I said hesitantly

"I want to go alone." I said nervously

"Oh okay sure" he said and layed back down.

"You go and I'll tell pedri and lily" he said with a smile

"Thank you." I said as I hugged him.

I quickly brushed my teeth and hair, chucked on a tracksuit and left. I walked there. Once I arrived I saw Pablo's car, it was empty so he was obviously already up there. I nervously walked up, once I had walked up I saw him sitting there looking over the city.

"Pablo.." I said as he turned around looking at me.

Pablo's POV:

"Pablo" I heard a voice behind me. I formed around and saw her.

Was I doing the right thing?
Am I going to regret this? Yes. Yes I will

Before I could say anything she pulled me into a hug. I wanted to just cry in her arms but I didn't. Instead I pulled away and sighed.

"What's wrong?" She asked me

"Sofia..i... I can't do this anymore." I blurted out

"What do you mean. I'm here. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere" she assured me.

God she's making this so hard.

"Sofia I mean I can't do this" i said and pointed at us

She took a step back and her eyes began watering. Not crying. But almost.

"Wha..what.why?" She said as her voice broke

"Sofia please listen to me." I said as I took a step towards her.

"We need to break up." I told her. Wow Pablo good way to just drop that on her.

"Why.." she said crying now

"I just can't." I said

"But what did I do Pablo. I just want to help. I don't understand. Why are you doing this to me." She said crying now

"Sofia please don't make this harder than in already is. I love you so much but I can't do this right now." I told her almost crying myself.

"If you loved me Pablo you wouldn't do this. You need to stop shitting people out. I really care about you. I love you Pablo but that isn't enough for you?" She said as my heard broke.

You are enough. More than enough.

"You are enough. I promise. I love you Sofia.. i.. just.." I started but I was cut off

"You don't get to say that anymore" she said stuttering her words through her sobs. She looked at me in the eyes and all I could see what pain in hers. She shook her head and walked away.

"Why am I not enough for anyone?" She said as she walked away.

What have I done. Shit. She is enough... she was enough. And I just had to go and ruin it.

I sat down again and balled my eyes out, not even stopping to breathe. My vision went blurry. I felt like I was going to faint until I felt someone hands on my shoulders.

"Woah. Woah. Calm down. What happened?"

End of chapter 33.

I'm so sorry for this but I had to add drama into the story❤️

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