7. || hey

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Monday 17th of July 2023

Sofia's POV:

I woke up around 10am. It wasn't a nightmare. It was real. And I wished it wasn't. I checked my phone and saw a notification from Instagram.

'PabloGavi' started following you.

I smiled at my phone, it made me feel warm on the inside, But I need to be realistic. He's a famous football player who probably has a girlfriend and I'm just a normal girl.

"Morning, how are you feeling?" Lily asked

"I'm okay, I'll get over it. You know Pablo followed me this morning" I replied

"He definitely likes you"

"I doubt it" I told her

I got ready then went for a walk around the city, I needed to clear my head. Barcelona was beautiful, the sun was shining and I loved it here. I was getting thirsty so I stopped at a cafe and to my surprise Pablo and pedri where sitting in the cafe. I wasn't sure if I should go up to them or not but I decided not to. I know it's stupid but I wanted him to see me first. I sat down a couple tables away from them and ordered a coffee. Once I had drank it I head to the bathroom. Once I had freshened up in the toilet I walked out but bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention" i said

"It's oka- Sofia?" Pablo said

I looked up and it was Pablo I smiled.

"Hey!" I replied

"I didn't think I would see you again! How are you?" He said

"I'm getting there!"

"Come over to our table, I want you to meet pedri." He said

"Uhm, okay!"

We walked over and pedri asked who I was.

"Hi, I'm Sofia!" I said

"Ohh so your the girl pablo was speaking about"

I looked at pablo and smiled, his cheeks were red.

"I hope your okay btw, I heard what happened" he said calmly

"I'm okay thanks"

"I better get going, lily is expecting me at home" I told the boys

"Okay see you!" Pedri said

I walked to the exit but pablo called my name

"Wait. Sofia."

"Yes pablo?"

"Em...could...could I maybe get your number" he asked

"Yes, of course!"

I took his phone and gave him my number, i then said goodbye and walked home smiling. I liked pablo and pedri, they seemed nice. Lily would like pedri, he is her exact type. I walked home and told lily about what had happened. She said she was happy for me because Pablo seemed like a nice boy. I told her he probably just wants to be friends and he doesn't even like me.


Pablo's POV:

After I had asked Sofia for her number I was really happy, I hoped I would get closer to her. I walked back to pedri and he just looked at me with a smug look on his face.

"She's pretty" he said

"I know" I smiled

"Awe is my little Pablo falling in love" he said teasing me

"Shut up, I hardly know her" i said

"If you say so" pedri replied

After that we drove home and obviously pedri had to update the boys on what had happened. They all looked at me and smiled telling me it was about time I got a girlfriend. I made it clear that she was not my girlfriend and I only spoke to her once but they didn't listen to me. I went up to my room and decided to message Sofia.

End of chapter 7

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