18. || I'm an idiot

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"What have you done!" I shouted at mateo as I ran out the door following Pablo.

It was raining really heavy and I was soaked within a matter of seconds. Pablo kept running but I kept following him.

"Pablo stop" I shouted

"Leave me alone Sofia" he shouted back, I could hear his sobs through his voice.

I managed to catch up to him and I grabbed his arm. We had stopped at a park, it was empty and it was only lit up by a lamppost whilst the rain kept falling around us.

"Let go of me" he shouted trying to get out of my grip. He avoided my eyes- he was crying and so was I.

"Please listen to me" I tried

"Leave. Your boyfriend is waiting for you" he said coldly

"He's not my boyfriend, I don't like him!"I said

"But you had no problem kissing him?" He said

"Why do you even care anyway it's not like your my boyfriend" I said immediately regretting saying it.

"Right." he scoffed, he looked hurt.

"I was stupid to think you liked me" he added

"I do like yo-" I was cut off

"Save it Sofia" he said and walked past me

Shit. what had I done. I was now crying. I didn't want to loose him. I really liked him. More than he could imagine. But he doesn't want to speak to me. I don't know who to do.
I walked home and continued crying.


"Hey sofi- SOFIA! What on earth happened?" Lily asked me as I walked in the door crying and soaked.

"Pablo...he...he hates me." I said sobbing

"No he doesn't. Tell me what happened!" She says as she took me to sit on the couch.

I explained everything that happened that evening and she looked at me with a pity face and just hugged me. She told me to go get dried and to go to sleep. She said we can figure out what to do in the morning. The next morning came and I didn't want to get out of bed. Part of me wanted to get up and act like I don't care, but I did care I really really liked him and I think I was starting to... love him. Love. I love Pablo. I said to myself and I smiled. I spent the day with lily just watching movies and staying in my pjs all day. I am so grateful to have lily. She is always there. No matter what. It was 7pm and I decided I would go for a walk to clear my head. I got changed into joggers and a hoodie then I left. I was walking for around half an hour when I came across 'pablo's spot' I climbed up the hill to see someone already sitting at the edge. It was him.

Pablo's POV:

I couldn't believe it. I seriously thought she liked me. I'm an idiot. After mine and Sofia's argument I walked past her and ran towards my car. I probably should of let her explain but I really didn't want to hear it. When I saw them kissing it really hurt me. I went home and went straight up to my room, not saying a word to anyone. The next day I woke up and went down for breakfast.

"What's up with you?" Pedri asked me

"Nothing. I'm fine." I said with no emotion

"Your clearly not fine Pablo" he said

"PEDRI I SAID IM FINE!" I shouted at him which caused the other boys to stare at me. And with that I left the house and I wasn't planning on coming back anytime soon. I went to the only place I knew no one would be. 'My spot.' I spent a couple hours there and I think it was about 7:30pm, I was planning on leaving soon but I heard rustling in the bushes behind me. I turned around and saw her.

End of chapter 18

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