31. || I cant

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Sofia's POV:

"What happened!" I asked worried

"I don't know... they all just ran in there and they aren't telling us anything." Pablo said. His voice breaking in between his sobs.

All of a sudden pedri burst through the doors. He took one look at Pablo and pulled him in for a very long hug.

"Pedri.." Pablo whispered into his ear

"Yes?" Pedri said releasing him.

"He's not going to make it" Pablo said dryly

"Don't say that. Please" pedri said getting upset. Pablo's dad was like a second dad to pedri. They where practically brothers. 25 minutes later we were all sitting waiting for an update from the nurses. I was sitting next to aurora and pablo, pedri next to pablo and his mum next to aurora. I was holding Pablo's hand stroking my thumb over his hand.
It was getting very late, I'm pretty sure it was 11pm, aurora and their mum were basically falling asleep. Pedri was dozing off but pablo was wide awake, tapping his leg up and down with his back straight up. I was slouching in the chair with my eyes flickering open and closed. I decided I would just let him be until the nurses came out.

Another 10 minutes later and still no luck. All of us still in the same position, me still rubbing Pablo's hand. I didn't want to fall asleep because Pablo would be the only one awake, and I didn't want that. Suddenly a nurse slowly opened the door. All of us bouncing up wanting an answer. Pablo stood up and walked over to her.


Pablo's POV:

"So? How is he?" I said worried

"I'm so sorry. We did all we could, but it wasn't enough." She told me and I swear my heart shattered right there.

I turned around feeling like I'm being stabbed over and over again. I looked at my mum and aurora who were crying in each others arms, my gaze then fell on pedri who just looked numb. I then looked at her who was looking at me with so much pity. She stood up and walked over to me.

"Pablo..." she started

"I cant" was all I managed to get out as I ran out of the doors leaving my family in the room next to my dead dad. I ran out of the hospital into the dark car park. I put my hands on my knees. Oh no. Not again. I can't go through this hell again. Please.

My breathing got worse and I was shaking. Shit. I started walking towards my car. I sat in the driver seat, trying to take deep breathes and slow down my breathing but it wasn't working.

He can't be dead. He just can't be. That was my dad. My biggest supporter. Why has this happened to me. Please don't make me go though that again. I physically can't.


Sophia's POV:

"I can't" was the last thing he said to me before he ran out of the hospital. I decided to give him space and comfort the others. 10 minutes later. Aurora and their mum went home. They really didn't want to be there. Which is totally understandable. That just left me and pedri.
he looked at me with tears in his eyes. I just brought him in for a hug and we sat like that for 5 minutes, not saying anything.

"Pedri..." I said

"Yes hermana" he replied quietly

"First off all, Im so sorry. I know how close you where with his dad and I just want you to know that im always here for you no matter what but im really worried about Pablo pedri. Im scared he's going to shut everyone out. Again." I said

"We will not let that happen. We can't." He said and i nodded.

Safe to say we all left that hospital with a piece of us still left in there. Even me.

I arrived home and couldn't believe tonight's events. That poor family. And my poor boy is left alone tonight. Trust me, I wanted nothing more than to be with him right now but I decided I would leave him with himself tonight just to process everything. Lily stayed with pedri tonight just to make sure he was okay. So I was left alone replaying the events of tonight in my head. What a horrible night. For all of us.

End of chapter 31.

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