30. || Im scared sophia

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Sophia's POV:

I messaged pedri even though he was playing a match right now. I don't want him to worry when he realises Pablo is gone. I also called lily explaining what had just happened and that I was going to go with Pablo.
After a few minutes Pablo was done so I took his hand and walked to the car. He was still shaking. I really hope his dad is okay- for the family's sake and for Pablo's sake. I'm scared he will fall back into that depression he had when his grandma died. I can't let that happen again. He had a career going, I can't let through it all away.

We pulled outside of the hospital but Pablo was reluctant to get out of the car.

"Pablo, Aren't you coning?" I asked him

"Im scared sophia." He said, his voice just above a whisper.

"Look at me" I said as I took his face in my hands.

"Whatever happens. You have to promise me you will be okay. I'll be there through all off it. I promise you won't be alone. I love you Pablo, never forget that." I said and I kissed him.

"I love you amor." Was the last thing he said before walking out of the car towards the hospital doors.

We walked into the hospital, Pablo picking up his pace now and me trailing behind him. He went straight for reception.

"Where's my dad?" He asked in a rushed tone

"Woah slow down. What's your dad called?" The lady at the front desk asked

"Pablo paez" he said

"Room 206"

"Okay thanks" he said and basically sprinted down the hall way. I was still following him like a lost puppy. Once I had caught up with him he was standing outside room 206.

"What are you waiting for, cmon" I told him rubbing his back. He sighed and opened the door. We were met with his mum and aurora, his sister.

"What happened?" Pablo immediately asked

"I don't know. He was perfectly fine and then he just collapsed." His mum said quietly

"Well is he going to be okay?" Pablo asked worried

"We don't know Pablo. They are running tests. But I think it's serious" his mum said.

"Hi honey." She turned to me with a sad expression

"Hello mrs paez, is there anything I can do for you?" I asked her

"I'm okay sweetie, but I would appreciate it if you would go with aurora to get some food. I need to speak to Pablo." She told me

"Of course" I replied as aurora got up and followed behind me sadly.


Pablo's POV:

"Why did you send her away" I asked my mum confused

"I need to speak to you" she told me

"Pablo..I.. I..." she mumbled

"He's not going to be okay. Is he?" I said looking down to the ground.

She didn't say anything. She just nodded her head. Tears started rolling down my face. Why has this happened? My life couldn't get any worse right now. I can't loose him. Not yet.
My mum stood up and engulfed me into a much needed hug, we just cried into each others arms. After we had a little moment we sat on the couches just outside my dads room as the doctors were still running tests and helping my dad. Suddenly 5 more doctors came sprinting into his room.

"What's happening?" My mum said waking up from a nap.

"I don't know" I replied standing up confused. I tried to walk into his room but I was quickly stopped by a nurse telling me I wasn't aloud in.
Fuck sake.


Sofia's POV:

"He'll be okay." She told me

"What do you mean?" I asked her

"Pablo. He's been through this before. Not playing well. Getting sent off all the time. Hate from the fans. He's strong, he'll be okay. You just can't leave him." She said whilst waking down the stairs

"I won't leave him. I couldn't" I said whispering

"I like you Sofia. Your good for Pablo." She told me which made me smile. We arrived at the cafeteria to get some food. We picked up some sandwiches and some fruit, and sat on a near by table.

"You know you have the right to be worried. I mean your dad is in hospital you don't have to put on a brave face. I won't judge you." I told her

"I know but if I let my emotions show I will get upset and I won't be able to help Pablo and my mum" she told me which I nodded at.

"The truth is I'm terrified. He's really sick Sofia." She said whilst a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Think positive, he's strong" i said.

"I'm scared what will happen to Pablo though. Obviously i will he heartbroken but they had a special bond, I'm scared he will through away his career. You have to promise me that won't happen." She told me

"I promise you." I said back

"Cmon let's go see if he's awake." She said as I got up and followed her. We walked back up the stairs and when we got back to the waiting area outside their dads room we where met with a crying Pablo and a nervous looking mum. What has happened? What have we missed?

End of chapter 30.

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