29. || as if his life couldn't get any worse

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"Your girlfriend is hot I'd so fuck her" he told me as he walked past me. That was it. I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and walked up to him. I pushed him and he fell to the ground, he quickly stood up and pushed me back. It carried in like that until the ref blew his whistle. I already knew I was going to get sent off since I hit him first but he better get sent of too. He hit me in the face, I litteraly had a burst lip so if he doesn't get sent off I will be so angry.

No way. He didn't get sent off. Bullshit.

The ref told me to to go to the changing rooms and to not come back. I had gotten sent of but not him. ME. I got sent off, but off course he didn't.

"Fuck you, you piece of shit" I told vini as a brushed past him on my way down the tunnel. He just grinned at me.

"Tell you girlfriend I said hey" I scoffed and walked away. As soon as I got in the changing room I let my anger out.

"FUCK!" I shouted

"Fuck sake man!" I shouted again but this time I punched the mirror I was standing infront off causing it to break and shatter beneath my feet. I didn't care. My hands were dripping with blood. Fuck him. It's all his fault.


Sofias pov:

Pablo got sent off. Fuck sake Pablo. What made him react like that? What did vini say? Speaking off vini why the fuck did he not get sent off. Biggest bull shit ever. I stormed off towards the changing rooms to find Pablo. As soon as I got there I didn't see anyone.

"Pablo!" I shouted, hoping for an answer

"Yeah. I'm here." A voice said back quickly and quietly.

I followed the voice into a bathroom where I saw Pablo standing with a blood dripping from his lip. Cut knuckles and shards of glass surrounding him. Shit.

"Pablo. What have you done?" I said looking at the floor covered in glass. He didn't say anything he just looked at me. His eyes didn't look like the soft, caring eyes they had hurt and anger filling inside of them. He didn't take his eyes away from mine as I examined his face. His lip was trembling as a tear rolled down his face.

"Come here" I said as I kissed his forehead and pulled him in for a hug.

"What happened?" I asked him hoping he would answer me this time.

"He said he would fuck you and that you where hot. Why do I let him do this. I let him get inside my head. He was in their even before the match started. It's embarrassing." He told me now pulling out of my embrace

"And don't even get me started on how mad xavi and the boys will be." He said starting to panic

"Hey hey. Look at me" I told him and he looked at me

"Explain to them what happened- they will understand." I said

"Mmm" he mumbled back at me

All of a sudden Pablo got a phone call. He walked over to his bag and pulled out his phone. He answered happy at first but after 3 seconds his face dropped. Oh no. What's happened. He slowly put his phone down and looked up at me.

"It's..it's my dad" he's in hospital again, apparently it's serious." He told me taking a gulp.

"Shit. Okay let's go to the hospital now. Quickly get changed and I'll clean your cuts up. I'll message pedri to let him know where we went, so he doesn't panic when he realises we're gone." I told him. All he done was nod his head and start getting ready.

I looked down at his hands and he was shaking. As if his life couldn't get any worse right now.

End of chapter 29. <3

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