2. || Barcelona

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Saturday 15th of July 2023

Sofias POV:

I had spent all of yesterday packing my things up and buying stuff for our apartment. I still hadn't figured out what I was going to say to Carlos. I just hope he's not angry. Things are good between us but recently he's been a bit off. For example, he's always on his phone and he hides his phone whenever i ask for it. He also randomly leaves when we are hanging out and claims that he has a family emergency to get too. I'm not sure, maybe I'm just overthinking as per usual.

"lils (is what I call lily) I'm going to meet with Carlos I'll be home later." I said walking towards the front door.

"okay let me know how it goes." She answered.

"I will."

I then got into a taxi to go to Carlos' house since I can't drive yet. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I got out of the taxi and walked up to the front door, my hands were sweaty and I was shaking. I just hope he doesn't break up with me.
I rang the door bell and he answered bringing me in for a hug.

"Hey Sofia" he said softly.

"Hey!" I replied.

We walked into the living room were we sat down. After a couple minutes of us just chatting I decided to tell him.

"Hey Carlos..." I said quietly.


"I need to tell you something" I said

"What is it?" He said looking more interested now.

"Me and lily are moving to Barcelona, I hope your not mad at me" I said.

He took a breath, adjusted himself on the couch then started speaking.

"Don't worry. I'm not mad at you, but I will miss you so much." He told me calmly.

"Would you like to come to Barcelona with us tomorrow to help us settle in?" I asked, hoping he would say yes.

"Yes, sure." He replied

"okay perfect, come over at 8 tomorrow morning." I told him

He nodded his head. We spent the rest of the night watching movies and chatting. Once it was time for me to leave I kissed him goodbye and told him I was grateful that he understood why I was leaving.

I headed home and prepared my self for a big day tomorrow.

Sunday 16th of July 2023

"Rise and shine lily!" I said to my best friend.

"I can't wait!" She told me as she woke up.

"I know, now cmon get ready. Carlos is coming to help us get set up. I said as she nodded her head.

I went downstairs for breakfast then got ready. I put some light makeup, brushed my hair and chucked some joggers and a crop top on.

once we where all ready we got into Carlos' car as he offered to drive us down. I sat in the front and lily sat in the back. The whole way down we just sang songs and shopped for some more furniture.
As we where driving through Barcelona I looked out my window and saw Camp Nou. I love football, I used to play when I was younger but when my parents died I hit a hard patch and stopped playing. I don't really support a team except from the Spanish national team obviously. But I do really like Barca.

We had arrived at the apartment and it was really nice, I couldn't wait to start living here!
We already had a space to start our bakery, we just had to add furniture and make it presentable. It was just a two minute walk from out apartment.

It all looked so magical. I knew this is where I wanted AND needed to be.

End of chapter 2

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