"We will eat breakfast here, so get it ready," Cale ordered Hans. At that moment, Adara felt just how hungry she was. She had accidentally skipped dinner last night, and now she was starving. "Also, ask Miss Rosalyn if she would like to have breakfast together with us."

Hans smiled at them. "Yes, Young Master, I understand. However, it is the middle of the day, so it would be lunch."

Adara got up, gently setting the kittens next to her and walked to the bathroom, the kittens following behind her. Sadie said she'd send the logs by the afternoon. I need to check what she sent.

Remembering what happened the day before, her mood struggled to stay positive. There was a possibility, a very big one, that in the novel 'Birth of a Hero', she was a part of the Secret Organisation. She wanted to ignore it, think about what Cale said, about that future no longer being available for her, but it nagged at her.

The fact that she might have, in an alternate universe, been the one to cause harm to innocents, to be nothing better than a terrorist? She was glad those thoughts stayed out of her memory.

She wondered where she was during the Terror Plaza Incident. She knew her brother went, in that universe, to the Capital, but she did not know anything of her whereabouts except that she was last mentioned having left the Henituse Estate before Choi Han came and beat up Cale.

"Hans," Cale warned, annoyed, bringing her out of her thoughts.

Hans smiled again at them. "I will get it ready right away!" He disappeared behind the closed door.

Adara was trying to tell the kittens they couldn't join the bath with her since they did not like the water, but they were refusing to listen. She sighed, finally giving in. "Fine, you can join me. But if you two complain about the water, I will be tickling you two," she warned them. She turned to Cale as she opened the door, about to go in. "Don't forget to open the terrace door." She didn't need to say why.

As she went into the bathroom, she found it quite odd that the dragon could only sleep peacefully if it was outside their window. She smiled at that revelation.

To their credit, the kittens didn't hate the water that much. Hong was mostly giggling at the weird feeling, saying it felt better than being rained on, while On was most cautious when entering it. They did not, however, enjoy it when they left the bath, their fur clinging to them wetly.

Adara smiled at them. "Shush now." She used a spell she used on her own hair when she was in a rush to dry it. Their fur dried immediately. It became fluffy and puffed up, enveloping their faces in the fluff of it.

Hong meowed excitedly. "What was that? Do it again!"

She shook her head at his request. "Not again, your fur is already dry. Next time you get wet I will."

On looked at her fluffy silver fur, meowing, not quite as excitedly as her younger brother.

Adara started petting them then, trying to get their fur less puffed up while maintaining its fluff. She seemed to be succeeding.

From next to her on the couch, Cale stared at the cats in curiosity. "You can do spells? I thought Dark Elves used Dead Mana in the same way Dragons did."

She shrugged, still petting the siblings. "They do, but you still need to get taught it, unlike Dragons. Dragons are great and mighty," she said, in case the dragon was listening in, "and don't need anybody to teach them the basics. I didn't have anyone to teach me either, so I read books on mana for mages. They weren't fully helpful, seeing as I wasn't a mage."

"I understand. Dragons are very great and mighty, indeed." He paused, debating if he should ask his next question. "Was it hard? Learning from something that wasn't meant for you?"

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