Before you read

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This is ment to help you understand the story better so skip at your own risk.

If there is a (※) that means it will be the backstory of a person, for example:   What happend that night (Russia's※).  If it has the initials of two characters then it will be a story of the couple, for example:   How we met (GP).  GP means GerPol. 

America isn't a freelancer, he works for a assassin company, Albion. There is one competitor company which is Persia. Albion is ruled by Britain while Persia is ruled by Iran. America was raised to become an assassin due to his Father being the boss of an assassin company, America also has motive for becoming an assassin but that will be shown later on.

The mafia gang that Russia leads was lead by his Father and is called 'Slav' or 'Slavs'. And the members are the Slavic countries.

America will not be weak, he can fight with his fists but more perferably guns. He will also have his sunglasses, and his own unique eyes that should be revealed in future chapters (I plan to draw them). America's hair will also be long, but it will be in a low ponytail unless it is described otherwise.

This is also one of my first books so my grammar and wording might not be perfect.

I might ask for your opinion's/ ideas along the way but currently I have everything planned.

I might do art during this book with some different art styles, because the one I used for the cover isn't my normal art style so I might alternate between the two.

Anyways I hope you enjoy!!

Assassin's love ||RusAme||CountryHumans||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt