Chapter - 81

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Abhay came back around eight. Four and a half hours later of driving endlessly. He had gone all the way to Chandigarh only to find she hadn't reached. His parents weren't there either they were in Delhi. Damn, he should have known she would have gone towards Ambala. How was he going to face beeji? He had promised her he would never let a tear fall out of Amrit's eyes and here he had been responsible for God knows how many tears. Isn't that what Natasha had done every single time run to her parents instead of her in laws. When would he stop comparing the two? Amrit was nothing like Natasha. She was different. She was beautiful, sassy, honest and a fighter. She was unlike any other woman. So why did she leave? He parked his car and went to unlock the door. Only to find it open.

What? He was positive he had locked the door. But it didn't matter anymore. There was nothing that anyone would steal anyway. He was tired and defeated. He didn't feel any pain. He was numb inside. Empty. If he had thought he was hollow before then he had been mistaken it was nothing compared to what he felt now. His situation was hilarious and he couldn't even laugh. He could cry that was an option he had. He had messed up so bad he didn't know where to start straightening the knot. He walked inside and the smell of fresh tea assailed his nostrils. Who the hell was making tea in the house? It could only mean one thing. Amrit.

He rushed towards the kitchen and found her there. She was standing there and still in her nightclothes. His shock rendered him speechless. What was she doing here? Was it an illusion or she was really here? The relief he felt at her return was immense. He wanted to hug her, tell her he was sorry tell her that he loved her.

And then the anger rose to the fore. He had been worried out of his wits and she was here. Did she even leave? Or had he been played for a fool looking everywhere for nothing? That made him move.

He stood right behind her when she turned and bumped into him.

"Where the hell have you been?" he barked.

"Good morning," Amrit said pleasantly with a smile.

Abhay felt like killing her for putting him through so much stress.

"Where were you?" Abhay said letting his anger show, "I was worried out of my mind. What the hell were you thinking when you took that taxi at four in the morning? Do you have any sense or not?" he yelled.

"Why are you so upset?" Amrit said pleasantly, "You wanted me to leave, I did and now you are angry why I left," she said.

"I did not ask you to leave at the dead of dawn," Abhay said, "I did not mean you to leave at all," he said angrily.

"You cannot deny what you said," Amrit said narrowing her gaze.

"There are numerous things I told you and you ignored every single one of them to obey this one," he thundered, "you are mad. Do you have any idea what I went through? I had no clue where you were whether you were safe or not or even if you had reached your destination," he said as he took a step closer, "I thought you had gone to Chandigarh and I broke all speed limits possible and what do I find when I get there? You hadn't reached. I couldn't call up your parents that early and explain what had happened. Tell me, if something had happened to you who would have taken responsibility? Talk dammit," he said gritting his teeth.

Amrit had never seen Abhay this angry. For a second she was fascinated by the flaring nostrils, tight jaw line and angry eyes. He looked so beautiful. Though if she told him that he would for sure kill her not that he seemed in the mood to spare her now. But it was good to see him worried for her like this. It was just plain good to see him. She wanted to hug him and take all that anger and all that pain away but she wouldn't give in this easily. He had to pay just a little for making her go through hell.

"You could have called?" she said sweetly.

"And you would have answered it?" he challenged.

"I had written a note and I had mentioned where I was going," Amrit said quietly, "you should have read it before you went here and there looking," she said and shrugged.

"Don't act smart with me Amrit," he said tightly, "all you had said was you were going home," he said.

"And you assumed I was going to Chandigarh," she interjected.

"You didn't go to Ambala either," he retorted.

"Because my home is neither in Chandigarh nor in Ambala," she said as she tilted her chin proudly, "my home is here with you," she said and saw his eyes go big in his face. Good. "And since this is my home if anyone leaves it is got to be you," she said and put her right index finger to his chest poking him there, "and if you think you can get rid of me this easily then you have to learn a lot Mr. Because I don't give in easily. I am stubborn as a mule I will leave when I want to and just so you know," she said narrowing her eyes again, "I will make you pay before I go anywhere. You can't just make me fall in love with you and then tell me to get lost, get it," she said, "I will not make it so easy for you. I will stay with you till you give in and get over this loser attitude of yours because I know you are not one. Had you been I would never have married you? And now you are stuck with me forever," she said angrily.

Abhay felt all anger leave him. She had come back to him, for him. She hadn't given up on him. What would he have done without her? Curled up and died? But that is for the weaker ones. He would have fought her till she agreed to come back. But she was here in her home she had said. What more could he want? And she was so bloody beautiful when she was all riled up. How had he possibly thought he could live without her? It was probably the dumbest thing he had ever thought.

"Are you sure about that last part?" he asked her smiling.

"What part?" she asked confused.

Why was he changing tactics now?

"The forever part," he said gently, "I just might hold you to it," he said.

"You better," she said indignant.

Abhay put his hand around her neck and saw a small worry in the form of frown on her forehead. He had said he would kiss her when he got his hands around her neck. Well, he will just have to keep his word now wouldn't he? He pulled her head forward with a jerk and as her eyes widened placed a firm but thorough kiss on her mouth. She hadn't been expecting it. He poured all his frustration, his anger and his guilt into that one kiss and when he pulled away he was happy to see that bemused expression on her face. He saw her love shining in her eyes and he knew he would never let her go again. She was the best thing that happened to him and he would be damned if he hurt her. She was precious and he would keep her safe. Somewhere in the past few weeks that they had been married she had slowly taken away his pain and he hadn't even known it. Restoring his confidence and self-esteem. She was like the fierce fire who burnt all that was impure in its path leaving only the essence and purity behind.

He smiled as he saw her get her bearings back and her eyes grew big and round in her face. Yup, she was the best thing that ever happened to him and he loved her with all his heart.


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