Chapter - 4

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Abhay paced the small space in the army guesthouse his parents had booked. He couldn't believe what they, his parents had just told him. He paused and looked at his mother who sat at the edge of the small setee with expectant eyes and a smile on her face. He looked at his father who stood behind her with his expression blank. Obviously, he was a trained army professional he knew when to keep his emotions hidden and this was just that kind of situation.

"You lied to me," he said still not believing what his mother had done.

"It is not a lie," Sarla said, "all I said was that there was an important matter that required your presence and this alliance is an important matter," she said with soulful eyes and Abhay rolled his.

His mother was used to getting her way she didn't really care what she had to do to get the result. That was how she had always been and since her heart problem a few years back she had been throwing emotional tantrums all the more. But he was not giving in this time.

"Ma, I told you clearly I am not interested in getting married," he said quietly. Though he was far from feeling any calm. "We have already seen several girls all on your insistence and the result well, you know the result of it. Besides after the last time I did tell you I don't want to see any more girls. I am fine the way I am. It is better ma, if you are so interested to get someone married get Jay," he said and pointed towards his younger brother who sat with a grin on his face on the bed.

"What?" Jay said as if wounded, "I am too young to be married," he protested.

"Shut up Jay," Sarla said irritated with him. The bugger was of no help. "Listen to me Abhay, I have met with her family. They are a bit traditional but wonderful people. I have yet to meet the girl but her grandmother assured me she is very independent and open minded. I have seen her photograph and she would be perfect for you. I can feel it in my bones Abhay, trust me. This match is meant for you," she said with a woebegone expression on her face and a coaxing voice.

"Ma, it will not work," Abhay said trying to make her mother understand, "most of the girls we met before you know how shallow and narrow minded their thinking was. And not just that they have a weird notion about life here in the army. They don't understand the things attached with my job. The frequent transfers, loss of family and friends and the loneliness. It is part and parcel all they see is a comfortable life with the perks of being married to an officer. The clubs, messes, parties and a free lifestyle. I don't know where they even get that kind of idea," he said shaking his head.

"I can answer that one," Jay said jovially.

"Jay," Sarla warned and he decided to shut up.

Sarla was done taking this negative attitude that was fast becoming a habit with her elder son. Not professionally oh, he was really positive and great there fast climbing the ladders to rise in the ranks. He was made for a life in the army unlike her younger son who had a more emotional disposition very similar to hers but Abhay needed to get that zest for life back on a personal level too. Someone with a strong personality would suit him the best. Someone who wasn't just a follower but had it in her to lead too. Abhay needed to be led out of this negative energy he was attaching himself to. She couldn't see her firstborn defeated like this. His past played a huge part in pulling him down. Every time he tried to come out of it people pushed him back into it again so much so he had decided to not try coming out at all for fear of getting hurt again. She stood up.

"Now listen to me young man," she said sternly as she put her hands on her hips, "I am done taking this defeated attitude of yours," she said and when Abhay tried to intervene she put a finger to his chest and he stopped, "you listen to me now. I can't see my boy sad and gloomy because of one mistake in the past. Stop blaming yourself for it. If you have to put a blame then we all will share that responsibility none of us saw what was coming. Besides it is all in the past. Let it stay there. I don't say it will not affect your present or your future but it is not everything so don't let that bog you down," she said firmly, "I am tired of seeing you like this. This sad, gloomy bubble you have wrapped around yourself, get out of it. There is so much more to life than just training young officers or developing strategies for whatever you do," she said, "you need to be happy son. You have every right to be. I want to see you get married to this girl, have a happy and beautiful life with your kids. And that is that. I have committed to beeji that there will be no problems from our side and it is your moral duty to make sure it stays like that. Give it a chance Abhay, what is done is done it does not mean you have to pay for old mistakes all your life. Here is a chance and you bloody well take it," she said in a no nonsense tone.

Abhay looked at his mother and fought the urge to smile at her antics. He knew this was all bluster. But he couldn't help but think the relationship a mother shares with her kids. They never leave you alone somehow they know you don't want to be left alone, they never let you do your worst because they know it is going to rebound and hurt you, they know exactly what you need and when. She was five feet five to his six feet two. She practically had to crane her neck to say all of those things to him but she did anyway. Maybe she was used to it. All three men in her family were tall. His mother was a woman who was not afraid to tell what she thought and she wasn't the one to call a spade an ace. She was sure about this so much so she had committed to the girl's family. She was so strong despite her health issues. He was lucky to have her for a mother. They looked at each other and he decided to cut her a slack.

"Alright ma," he said agreeing with her, "but one last time. If things don't go well then no more matchmaking okay," he said as he hugged his mother.

"There is no chance in hell it won't," she said with a smile, "now get some rest we have to be at their place by four," she said and patting him on his arm left the room.

He looked at his father who was shaking his head.

"You do know she just blackmailed you again," he said.

"I know dad," Abhay said, "she would have gone on and on till I had given in," he said.

"She is quite tenacious that way," Rajesh said, "one of her qualities that I hate and love so much. She never lets you get away. I wonder why she is so set on this alliance," he said thoughtfully, "all I know is she met this family at Richa's wedding last month and has been talking about it ever since. She hasn't even met the girl but is very fond of her already. There is no one in their family who is from the army, a business family actually and yet," he said as he broke off.

"She says that for every girl she finds for bhai," Jay said getting up from the bed and stretching his muscles.

"She is going to do the same when your time comes Jay," Rajesh said as he watched his two sons.

"No way," Jay said, "I am not going the arranged marriage route I will find my own girl," he said seriously, "I can't be dragged here and there everywhere to find one," he said, "I will die if I ever have to do that," he said dramatically.

Abhay shook his head as Jay came and stood near him.

"Stop being so dramatic Jay," Rajesh said, "Abhay, I don't know if Sarla is right about this girl or not but she is right about the other thing son," he said, "you have every right to be happy. What happened was not your fault? You have to stop blaming yourself for it," he said and patted his shoulder.

All Abhay did was nod. He watched his father go out in search of Sarla. Then Jay mumbled something about getting some sleep before going to the girl's house. He sat down and wondered about what his parents had said. How could he not blame himself? He was the one who wasn't around to prevent what took place. But they were right you couldn't hold on to the past, he needed to move on. But isn't that what he was doing for the past four years. And every time it was his past that provided for a speed breaker. He just hoped his mother was right about this girl she hadn't met but felt so strongly for. Because another rejection and he knew he would not give in to his mother again.

But sometimes a mother's instincts just might prove right. What needed to be seen was if Abhay would be able to hold on to what destiny was going to give him.


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