Chapter - 73

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Amrit wasn't sure what she had expected Natasha to look like but she hadn't expected the woman who stood before her. Simrit will have to revise her opinion about her being beautiful. This person was the epitome of beauty. Her doll like heart shaped face, delicate eyebrows, nose and jaw, bow shaped lips, dramatic chocolate brown eyes, porcelain skin, shoulder length black hair and perfect figure, there wasn't a lady in the room who could hold a candle to her. If Amrit had to really find a physical flaw it was most probably going to be her height. She was all but five feet two. And Amrit stared. The confidence she had felt earlier slowly ebb away as she unconsciously tightened her hold on Abhay's arm. This was the girl Abhay had married? Had loved? But as she looked closely at Natasha she realized that the expression she wore was cold. Very artificial. She was like a...Amrit struggled to come up with a correct word to describe her and she did, a mannequin. Yup, she was like a mannequin kept in the window of a shop draped in a beautiful onion pink sari with pearl work and slightly heavy jewelry. She looked like a girl ready to walk the ramp at the drop of the hat. There was no warmth in either her smile or her eyes. Even the way she had addressed Kapil it looked more of a show than anything else. And suddenly Amrit felt better. The fog cleared in her head and she saw light again. Her confidence returned and she had to control the urge to laugh. She looked at Abhay and saw the pain in his eyes but he kept his expression neutral. She squeezed his arm a little in assurance and as he gazed at her she smiled. Then she took her time to look at Jassi who wore an expression of utter disdain while Harpreet seemed solemn.

"Of course Natasha," Kapil said recovering quickly.

"Okay, I thought things looked a bit tense here," she said as she smiled then looked at Abhay and then narrowed her gaze at where Amrit's arm was linked with Abhay's then she rudely perused Amrit over and gave a snide smile.

She had heard Abhay had remarried. But she wasn't aware of how she looked. Though some of her old friends had assured her she wasn't a great looker and now that Natasha was seeing her in person she released a breath of relief. And still there was an uneasiness she felt. The woman who stood next to Abhay was tall and though not as beautiful she had her own charm. Her height definitely complemented Abhay's tall structure and her dusky color suited her. She had big eyes and high cheekbones. Her lips were well shaped and the sari she wore accentuated her sultry beauty. But Natasha found she was envious of two things. One the other girl's hair. It was so long, black and thick oh, she would have loved to have hair like that. And two her confidence. Her eyes shone with a radiance and she wore her confidence like a blanket. For a second Natasha did feel a little disturbed at the way she was smiling.

"No, all is well," Kapil replied feeling awkward. It was the most awkward moment of his life. "You must not have met Amrit Malhotra," he said as he introduced Natasha to Amrit, "she is Major Abhay Malhotra's wife," he told her, "and this is my wife Natasha," he added.

As their eyes met Amrit saw a strange light enter Natasha's. What was that supposed to mean? But she didn't get enough time to ponder over. Amrit wasn't sure what the other woman was thinking frankly she couldn't care two hoots. The girl was annoying if anything. And from what she knew of her already Amrit disliked her immensely.

"Nice to meet you," Natasha said sweetly and linked her arm with Kapil's.

Amrit was amused. This was so much fun.

"As I was telling your husband," Amrit replied, "I would have said the same but I can't," she said cheekily and enjoyed the fruit her comment bore. Natasha's eyes grew large in her face as if she couldn't believe what she had just heard and she raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

"What did you say?" she asked. It was more of a whisper than anything else. But it reflected her incredulity. "Do you know who I am?" she asked.

Amrit was enjoying the irritation Natasha was facing.

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