Chapter - 36

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Abhay watched Amrit as she put the tray before him. It was his dinner. She hadn't spoken to him about his accident at all. She had been polite enquiring about how he was feeling from time to time but she hadn't mentioned a word about how she felt or how the accident happened. She was busy it seemed with taking care of him. Those painkillers were a knockout. He had had one and had fallen into a deep sleep. He had been observing her since he had woken up. She seemed upset but every time he had asked her she had brushed off his question. She had been like this since they had returned from the hospital. And that was another story.

He had found out she didn't know how to drive but did carry a driver's license with her. He had shaken his head and asked a friend to drop them home as the taxi she had come in had already left. Had she been embarrassed about it? Maybe. But he remembered the look she had on her face when she had entered Harpreet's office. And his doctor friend wasn't the only one who had seen her a bit paler than usual. She had been worried though she had tried to show otherwise but he had seen it loud and clear. And since they had left she had been angry. He could sense she was tense. Damn, he wanted to talk to her. He wanted to assure her he was fine but she didn't seem to be in a listening mood. He felt frustrated. Of course she was bound to get worried. She was his wife and this was the first time she was facing something like this. Not to mention they had talked about emergencies and what not on Monday. Yup it was just as bad as it looked.

He took in a deep breath. She had to talk to him. Take it all out. And she had to change this nasty habit of keeping her thoughts to herself. He picked the tray and pushed it to the side. Amrit paused as she watched him do that and frowned.

"Did you want to eat something else?" she asked.

"No," Abhay said, "I want to talk to you Amrit," he said patiently and then indicated for her to sit on the chair next to the bed. He had no idea at what point of time had she dragged his office chair to the bedroom but it seemed she had made it a seat to perch on whenever she was tending to him. He kind of liked the attention he was receiving but for sure he was not an invalid and needed that kind of care. Amrit sat down reluctantly.

"What about?" she asked.

"You are looking everywhere but at me," Abhay said in a calm voice, "have I done something wrong?" he asked.

"No," she said and then looked him straight in the eye tilting her chin a little.

She was a stubborn little thing wasn't she? He told himself and smiled a little then watched her narrow her gaze at him.

"What is so funny?" she asked.

"You," he replied and smiled broadly this time. Before she could form a question or a retort he continued, "You were worried when you marched into the examination room but then when we left you were angry and now you act as if you are indifferent but you are not. Care to tell me why?" he asked.

"How can you be so sure that is how I felt?" she counter asked.

"Because I know an expression when I see one," he replied, "now answer me," he said.

"What if I choose not to?" she said.

"I am very persistent Amrit," Abhay warned, "at every turn you will find I will ask the same question till you answer," he said quietly.

The seriousness was not lost on Amrit. She knew he would do exactly that till she gave him the required answer.

"You tell me why you did not want me notified about your accident?" she asked and crossed her arms as she sat straighter in the chair.

So she had heard that. And she was upset about it? Abhay shook his head. It was not even important. But then maybe it wasn't important to him maybe it was to her.

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